Daily Archives: June 15, 2012

The Insightful e-book Spend Visibility: An Implementation Guide is still FREE!

That’s right, this illuminating e-book, co-authored by the doctor and Bernard Gunther of Lexington Analytics, now a division of Opera Solutions, which has already been downloaded over 2,450 times, is still completely and totally FREE.

This e-book, which is a rare medium well-dome, really is the definitive book on next level spend analysis performance. It’s one of the first books to not only get to the science of spend analysis, as compared to the elusive art, but to also provide you a detailed 10-step process that you can use to implement spend analysis in your organization and get real, repeatable, results — starting from your first project. And the numerous examples, backed up by 78 figures, really go the extra mile to making theory reality. There’s a reason it has been called one of the most comprehensive step-by-step resource guides I have seen for this industry and a reason the downloads keep going and going like the energizer bunny. It was written to help an average sourcing analyst get results, and that’s exactly what it does.

So if you still haven’t downloaded your FREE copy of Spend Visibility: An Implementation Guide, do so today!

Doing Cross-Border Trade in Europe? Download this Free Handbook!

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) recently released the “Handbook of Best Practices at Border Crossings — A Trade and Transport Facilitation Perspective” to assist the 56 OSCE participating States / UNECE member States in the development of more efficient border and customs policies through the promotion of existing best practices in the field. Clocking in at 268 pages and 5.7 MB, this e-book is filled with advice on the international legal framework; international co-operation; balancing security with trade and transport facilitation; policies for control, clearance, and transit of freight; risk management; border crossing point design; the use of information and communications technology for non-intrusive inspection; human resource management, and measuring performance. Given the wide array of legislation that an international organization can face, given that this e-book is totally free, the doctor thinks it’s a must have in your global trade e-Library.

As the handbook points out in chapter 3, there are five major categories of security threats that countries need to watch out for at their borders:

  • normal criminal acts
    such as car thefts on one side and chop shops on the other
  • technical violations
    such as lack of proper documentation
  • traditional organized crime
    that would include smuggling of weapons, people, and other contraband
  • terrorist threats
    that could result in attacks, destruction of property, and death
  • border management threats
    that would include corruption and abuse of power

These require a number of security procedures and controls to deal with. (The UK alone has 37 procedures, as outlined on page 57, that range from AEO [Authorised Economic Operators], CSI [Container Security Initiatives], and MATRA [Multi-Agency Threat and Risk Assessment] all the way to dangerous goods declarations, pre-ship notifications, and commercial insurance.) Some of these are compliant with the new WCO SAFE Framework, some are not. Either way you need to be aware of them, what impact they have, and how they can benefit you.

To really dive into the issues, and recommendations, download your FREE copy of the OSCE “Handbook of Best Practices at Border Crossings — A Trade and Transport Facilitation Perspective” today!

Looking for Something to Read this Weekend? Download Chris LaVictoire Mahai’s ROAR for FREE today only!

Chris LaVictoire Mahai, managing partner at AVEUS, a global strategy and operational change (consulting) firm (on LinkedIn), has made the e-book / Kindle version of his new book ROAR available for FREE on Amazon (at this link) TODAY (and Monday through Wednesday of next week) for anyone who wants it.

The book, which uses the animal kingdom as a metaphor for building peak performance, and includes interviews with several executives to explore what drives peak performance, was written in an effort to help companies adopt a systematic approach to strengthening their performance chain. A good performance chain must be fast, flexible, predictable, and leverageable — and simultaneously balancing these requirements to achieve better customer outcomes can be tricky. As Chris implies, it’s like trying to combine the best qualities of the cheetah, elephant, coyote, and ant into one animal. (The Greeks found it difficult to combine the Lion, Goat, and Snake into a Chimera. So imagine the challenge we’re faced with!)

the doctor hasn’t made it through the whole book let, but the lessons learned summarized in the 4-Lens Profile are good ones:

  • speed at any cost becomes a negative
  • predictability delivered too late or for something that has lost market appeal is of little value
  • flexibility that extends every process, decision, or outcome is more harmful than helpful
  • leverage of every resource to the nth degree will deteriorate performance and increase risk

So, anything you can take away from Rashida Cheetah, Oralee Elephant, Ace Coyote, or Rickie Ant, or, better yet, the many executives that Mr. Mahai interviewed, is definitely worth your time.