This originally published on April (29) 2024. It is being reposted because MDM is becoming more essential by the day, especially since AI doesn’t work without good, clean, data.
insideBIGDATA recently published an article on The Impact of Data Analytics Integration Mismatch on Business Technology Advancements which did a rather good job on highlighting all of the problems with bad integrations (which happen every day [and just result in you contributing to the half a TRILLION dollars that will be wasted on SaaS Spend this year and the one TRILLION that will be wasted on IT Services]), and an okay job of advising you how to prevent them. But the problem is much larger than the article lets on, and we need to discuss that.
But first, let’s summarize the major impacts outlined in the article (which you should click to and read before continuing on in this article):
- Higher Operational Expenses
- Poor Business Outcomes
- Delayed Decision Making
- Competitive Disadvantages
- Missed Business Opportunities
And then add the following critical impacts (which is not a complete list by any stretch of the imagination) when your supplier, product, and supply chain data isn’t up to snuff:
- Fines for failing to comply with filings and appropriate trade restrictions
- Product seizures when products violate certain regulations (like ROHS, WEEE, etc.)
- Lost Funds and Liabilities when incomplete/compromised data results in payments to the wrong/fraudulent entities
- Massive disruption risks when you don’t get notifications of major supply chain incidents when the right locations and suppliers are not being monitored (multiple tiers down in your supply chain)
- Massive lawsuits when data isn’t properly encrypted and secured and personal data gets compromised in a cyberattack
You need good data. You need secure data. You need actionable data. And you won’t have any of that without the right integration.
The article says to ensure good integration you should:
- mitigate low-quality data before integration (since cleansing and enrichment might not even be possible)
- adopt uniformity and standardized data formats and structures across systems
- phase out outdated technology
which is all fine and dandy, but misses the core of the problem:
Data is bad (often very, very bad), because the organizations don’t have an enterprise data management strategy. That’s the first step. Furthermore this E-MDM strategy needs to define:
- the master schema with all of the core data objects (records) that need to be shared organizational wide
- the common data format (for ids, names, keys, etc.) (that every system will need to map to)
- the master data encoding standard
With a properly defined schema, there is less of a need to adopt uniformity across data formats and structures across the enterprise systems (which will not always be possible if an organization needs to maintain outdated technology either because a former manager entered into a 10 year agreement just to be rid of the problem or it would be too expensive to migrate to another system at the present time) or to phase out outdated technology (which, if it’s the ERP or AP, will likely not be possible) since the organization just needs to ensure that all data exchanges are in the common data format and use the master data encoding standard.
Moreover, once you have the E-MDM strategy, it’s easy to flush out the HR-MDM, Supplier/SupplyChain-MDM, and Finance-MDM strategies and get them right.
As THE PROPHET has said, data will be your best friend in procurement and supply chain in 2024 if you give it a chance.
Or, you can cover your eyes and ears and sing the same old tune that you’ve been singing since your organization acquired its first computer and built it’s first “database”:
Well …
I have a little data
I store it on my drive
And when it’s old and flawed
The data I’ll archive
Oh, data, data, data
I store it on my drive
And when it’s old and flawed
The data I’ll archive
It has nonstandard fields
The records short and lank
When I try to read it
The blocks all come back blank
I have a little data
I store it on my drive
And when it’s old and flawed
The data I’ll archive
My data is so ancient
Drive sectors start to rot
I try to read my data
The effort comes to naught
Oh, data, data, data
I store it on my drive
And when it’s old and flawed
The data I’ll archive