Yes Jon, “We’re Always Right, No Questions Please” is the new Big X and Big Analyst Firm Mantra

This originally appeared on LinkedIn. Archiving it here for posterity (and accessibility). Dear Jon THE REVELATOR, we need to answer your comment handling inquiry in Censorship in the Procurement World with a quadrant, because they (the Big X and Big Analyst Firms) won’t understand the discussion otherwise. Personal Not Personal No Claim 1. Delete 2. […]

Yes, Jon. Some Analyst Firms Do Stink!

Last Saturday, Jon The Revelator penned a piece on how Going “off-map” is the key to finding the best solution providers, which he correctly said was critical because Gartner reports that 85% of all AI and ML projects fail to produce a return for the business. As per a Forbes article, the reasons often cited […]

Dear Fellow Analysts: It’s Time to Step Up And Deal with the PROCUREMENT STINK!

Because if we don’t, no one else will! What am I talking about? As per last Wednesday’s article, PROCUREMENT STINKS and we just can’t deny it anymore. In a nutshell, and this is just the tip of the garbage heap: Case studies are ranker than expired fish in a microwave on high. Approximately 85% of […]

Does it Matter if Analysts Firms Aren’t Entirely Pay-to-Play if the Procurement space thinks they are?

As expected, the doctor‘s question on whether Traditional Analyst and Consulting Models Outdated and/or Unethical? on LinkedIn has led to some debate. Most notably, Duncan Jones indicated that he’s pretty sure [the dozens of smaller vendors] are mistaken when they told the doctor they won’t get covered (and sometimes not even given the opportunity to […]