Dear Sourcing/Source-to-Pay/Procurement Founder: Please STOP Making These Mistakes! Part 1

Last year, the doctor ran a 5-part series on 12 best-practices for success, in an effort to let you know, in a very polite way, things you needed to do for your business to grow and be successful. This was based on his experience as an analyst who has been consistently researching, engaging, covering, and […]

Mayday! M’aidez!? the doctor hears your plea. Happy May Day!

Dear Sourcing / Procurement / Source-to-Pay+ Vendor, Are you struggling to grow in the stagnant economy brought on by rising consumer debt, unemployment rates, elevated interest rates, and recessionary fears which is contributing to the ongoing reduction in overall spend on software and SaaS solutions, including yours (even though they are desperately needed by companies […]

the doctor dislikes logo maps! So why did he create one?

To demonstrate how, to date, they have all been completely useless, with some to the point of being actually harmful, but now that the gauntlet has been cast, he expects the next version of at least one of these maps to only be mostly useless (and maybe even only moderately useless) and mostly harmless. It’s […]