Consumer Dynamics are shifting like never before. But how does that affect Procurement?

Beyond the obvious, of course. But let’s backtrack. A recent article over on Fortune noted that consumer dynamics are shifting like never before while purporting to give us some insights from Executives from Instacart, Atlassian, Nordstrom, and Black & Decker [who] share their strategies. However, the insights it shared related to the challenging technology environment […]

If You Need to Bring The Hammer Down, Make Sure You Have An Anvil (Analytical)!

On New Year’s Day, 2022, Anvil Analytical (Anvil) was spun out of 4C Associates to bring a stand-alone spend-analysis technology solution to the market, based on the solution that 4C had developed over the course of a decade or so. (4C was founded back in 2000 to help companies with their Supply Chain and Procurement […]

Ardent Partners Steps Up Its Game — But Will the CPOs Rise Up?

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past ten days you will have noticed that Ardent Partners — a research firm that has traditionally focussed on Contract Management, Accounts Payables/Invoice Management/e-Payables, Contingent Workforce, and CPO Advisory — stepped up their game when they hired Magnus Bergfors as VP of Research. Magnus, a former Gartner […]

Promena’s Upgraded Platform Packs a Rich Caffeinated Turkish Punch

Promena is a two-decades old company (founded in 2001) that has been offering e-Sourcing (and, more recently, source-to-contract) solutions to Turkish enterprises to major enterprises in Türkiye that you likely never heard off on this side of the world until their coverage over on Spend Matters in 2019 (Vendor Analysis Part I and Part II […]

It’s Vendor Day … Again!

Last Updated: August 6, 2024 Back in the day when Sourcing Innovation was publishing five-plus (5+) times per week before the doctor became Spend Matters Lead Analyst for Advanced Sourcing Tech in 2017 (through Sept 30, 2022), Sourcing Innovation covered a lot of vendors. It focussed on smaller, innovative, or lesser covered vendors in particular. […]