Legal Sourcing Requires A Legal Mind

Or at least an understanding of the legal mind! Sourcing Innovation occasionally covers Legal Sourcing, which is one of the sacred cows in many organizations. However, as the doctor has more expertise in Sourcing Technology than in Legal Sourcing, not very often. Thus, when the doctor sees a great article on Legal Sourcing, he points it out.

Last week, over on Spend Matters, he saw such a great article. Cyndi Joiner’s guest post on how you should “Be Smart When Sourcing Legal” is just such an article. You have to do your homework before approaching Legal, because they always do theirs, you have to understand the landscape, and you have to have a strategy. Cases are built on strategy, and firms that might need to argue those cases are selected on strategy, and if Supply Management does not have a strategy, Supply Management will be shown the front of the door before they even get into Legal’s office.

But if Supply Management has a strategy, they will not only be able to work their way into Legal’s offices, but earn their trust. And when they work with legal to execute strategic sourcing, they will not only get the sacred cow under control, but they will see spend leveraged across the enterprise, standardized rates, documented processes for engaging preferred firms for service, improved billing, and complete transparency and visibility into legal spend. And a sustainable savings average of 7-10%, or more, will be achieved.

To find out how your organization can achieve these savings, check out Cyndi Joiner’s guest post on “Be Smart When Sourcing Legal” over on Spend Matters.