Regular readers of this blog will remember that I’ve mentioned Aptium Global a few times, chronicled one of their success stories in Tuesday’s Lean Services post (with another hitting the blog sphere tomorrow),and ran a great guest post on Quantifying Quality in Lean Sourcing Initiatives by founder and principal Lisa Reisman. Aptium Global is a specialized consultancy that works primarily with small and medium sized manufacturing companies to help them save money on purchases through Lean Sourcing approaches.
Well today, in addition to industry heavyweight Stuart Burns, who runs their European practice, Aptium Global can add FreeMarkets legend Tony Poshek, inventor of The Puddy Principle to strategic sourcing. Tony, who has also put in considerable time at GE (as well as managing events for GM and other Fortune 50 heavyweights) has sourced almost $2B in his sourcing career and saved over 300M, or an average of 15% above and beyond what industry leading sourcing teams have saved. Tony was interviewed by Lisa last year and the interview is archived over on e-Sourcing Forum, archived in Part 1 and Part 2. Check it out!
Add this to Aptium’s forthcoming launch of an industry specific Metal Miner offering for companies that source metals, commodities, and components with high metal concentrations, and it’s easy to predict that Aptium Global is poised to become a powerhouse in their corner of the sourcing space.
The Metal Miner sourcing solution is a packaged two-week analysis that is designed to provide a small or mid-sized company with real time market condition and savings strategies for all of their metals and metal services spending in two to three weeks. A proprietary analytical solution built on over half a century of combined global metals sourcing experience, the solution is designed to provide you with a strategic framework to metals sourcing that can provide you and your executive team the insight you need for critical strategic sourcing decisions. Metal Miner uses state-of-the art analysis technology, takes into account a high-level assessment of the supply market for each category (including the main price drivers, the degree of fragmentation, domestic/offshore supply bases, and hedging mechanisms), and produces a customized report with specific implementable savings strategies for each category in which a significant savings can be achieved.
So, if you need sourcing help, particularly in metal or metal services categories, I’d contact them now. The secret’s out … and it won’t be long before the lines are jammed and the e-mail boxes overflowing.