In our last post on Key Questions When Selecting a Multi-Criteria Supplier Sustainability Monitoring Solution, we noted that not only can supply risk management not be siloed, but in order for it to be successful, it must be centralized through a CoE that puts together policies and procedures that not only ensure that
- every supplier is covered
- on all relevant dimensions
- but not on irrelevant dimensions
- without any duplication of effort
but also ensure that
- there are no false positives in the risk assessment and
- there are no false negatives
In order to effectively implement this holistic approach, an organization will require a good multi-criteria supplier and sustainability risk monitoring solution that can proactively monitor, assess, and re-asses supplier sustainability and risk using data from dozens, if not hundreds, of disparate sources that paint a comprehensive picture of supplier sustainability.
But not every platform will make the cut. Definitely not all will meet the integration requirements, which is one key requirement of a good platform. More specifically, ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability information is vital information that can and should be used in many different supply management platforms such as e-Sourcing, e-Procurement, CLM, SRM and other platforms that support a wide variety of supply management processes and workflows. As such, this integration should be trivial and for major supply management platforms, almost “out-of-the-box”. Moreover, in some organizations, this information also needs to be available to other departments that, and no surprise here, are reliant on different platforms and responsible for smaller or indirect spends not (fully) under the control of Procurement. As such, the platform needs a well defined, and easy to use, API that can allow the data to be pulled out for any platform that needs it, and that allows any proprietary or limited access data the organization has access to on the supplier’s sustainability and risk profile to be pushed into the system. Why?
For more complete details on this requirement, as well as key questions to ask when evaluating a multi-criteria supplier sustainability monitoring solution, check out Sourcing Innovation’s latest white paper on 5 Essential Criteria for Selecting a Supplier Sustainability & Risk Monitoring Solution, sponsored by Ecovadis, that will help you understand just what a good sustainability and risk monitoring solution needs to do.