Annual Vendor Day – Year 2

Editor’s Note: This post was last updated on May 13, 2010.

It’s been one year since my first vendor day post. As it was one of my most popular posts last year at this time, I decided that I would update it for you. I hope it will allow you to quickly and easily find independent, (mostly) objective, third-party analysis of your favorite vendors. Enjoy!

Master Vendor Index:





Aptium Global





Austin Tetra (Equifax)


B2B Connex



Blinco Systems

Bravo Solution

Cambrian House







CVM Solutions




EC Sourcing





Global Data Mining





Import Genius


Integration Point

IQ Navigator




Lexington Analytics

MCA Solutions

(The) Mpower Group

Nextance (Versata)

Next Level Purchasing




Power Advocate




Rearden Commerce


Rosslyn Analytics







The Receivables Exchange


Trade Extensions


UGS (Siemens PLM)

Upside Software




Vendor Post Index:

Vendor Sourcing Innovation Solution(s)
AECsoft * SIM-Powered e-Negotiation, Part I

* SIM-Powered e-Negotiation, Part II

* e-Sourcing

* SIM: Supplier Information Management

* Contract Management

* Spend Analysis

Akoya * Ahoya!

* Design Cost Out

* Cost Analytics
Algorhythm * The Optimization Rhythm in India

* Still Pounding Out the Optimization Rhythm in India (Part I)

* Still Pounding Out the Optimization Rhythm in India (Part II)

* Supply Chain Optimization

* Inventory/Warehouse Optimization

* Distribution Network Optimization

* Manufacturing/Production Planning Optimization

Apriori * Introduction

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* Cost Analytics

* Process Models & CAD Integration

Aptium Global * An Emerging Spend Powerhouse * Consulting: Direct Materials Sourcing
Aravo * The Arrival

* Supplier Information Management

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* SIM: Supplier Information Management
Archstone * Actualization * Consulting: Supply Chain Operations

* Consulting: Strategic Sourcing & Procurement

Arena * Introduction * PIM: Product Information Management
Ariba * Ariba + Orbian = ? * e-Sourcing

* e-Procurement

* e-Payment

* Spend Visibility

* Supplier Network

* Supplier Management

Austin Tetra (Equifax) * More Than Just Supplier Master Data

* Is This The Year Austin Tetra Breaks Out?

* Supplier Data Management

* Spend Management

b-pack * Packing It In for A Brave New World, Part I

* Packing It In for a Brave New World, Part II 

* e-Procurement

* e-Sourcing

* P2P

B2B Connex * e-Document Management * e-Procurement

* e-Document Management

BIQ * Spend Analysis I: The Value Curve

* Spend Analysis II: The Psychology of Analysis

* Spend Analysis III: Common Sense Cleansing

* Spend Analysis IV: Defining “Analysis”

* Spend Analysis V: New Horizons I

* Spend Analysis VI: New Horizons II

* Spend Analysis: What Got Wrong

* Aberdeen on Spend Analysis: Lost in the Trees

* The Future of Spend Analysis

* Integrating Contract Management and Spend Analysis

* Screwing up the Screw-Ups in BI

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* Spend Analysis I: It’s the Analysis, Stupid

* Spend Analysis II: Why Data Analysis is Avoided

* Spend Analysis III: Crosstabs Aren’t Analysis

* Spend Analysis IV: User Defined Measures, Part I

* Spend Analysis V: User Defined Measures, Part II

* Spend Analysis
BizNet * Perform-IS * Supplier Performance Management
Blinco Systems * Third Wave * GCM: Global Commerce Management
Bravo Solution * Optimizes Its Way Onto the doctor‘s Short List

* Analysis and Supplier Performance Management

* e-Sourcing

* e-Procurement

Cambrian House * Crowdsourced Software * Software Development
cBoxBid * See Box, c Box Bid * Marketplace for Boxes
Claro * Clarity

* Crystal Customs

* Crown Jewels

* Consulting: Spend Analysis

* Consulting: Strategic Sourcing & Procurement

* Consulting: Spend Management

* Consulting: SRM (Supplier Relationship Management)

Co-exprise * Kick Ass Direct PLM Sourcing, Part I

* Kick Ass Direct PLM Sourcing, Part II

* Sourcing Lifecycle Management I: The Direct Sourcing Cure

* Sourcing Lifecycle Management II: A New Entrant

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* PLM e-Sourcing

* e-Marketplace

Combinenet * Communique I: Beginnings

* Communique II: Comparisons

* Communique III: Differences

* Communique IV: BoB’s Unique Talents

* Communique V: Expressive Bidding

* Communique VII: BoB’s Power Source

* Communique VIII: Energy!

* Decision Optimization
Compiere * Think Different! * ERP
Coupa * Procurement Independence

* Cabana Cafe Open For Business

* Charges Ahead

* More than Coupacetic

* It’s … It’s … It’s Coupasonic!

* The Sunflower Starts to Blossom

* Coupa + Amazon EC2 = Energized Procurement!

* Fill Your Gas Tank With e-Procurement

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* QuickDraw Procurement with QuickStart

* e-Procurement
CVM Solutions * Not Just About Supplier Diversity Anymore! * Spend Analysis

* SRM: Supplier Relationship Management

D&B * Not Just for Performance Anymore * Market Intelligence

* Supplier Data Management

* Risk Management

Decideware * Agency Performance Management Experts * Supplier Performance Management

* Scope of Work / Project Management

Denali * Delivers! * Consulting: Strategic Sourcing & Procurement

* Staffing & Recruiting

* Market Intelligence

EC Sourcing * Easy and Affordable Sourcing

* Corrective Action Management

* e-Sourcing Platform

* Corrective Action Management

* Strategic Sourcing Consulting in CPG, Retail, and related verticals

EcoVadis * An Exploration * SaaS Sustainability Solution
Emptoris * Update

* Lies, Damn Lies, And …

* Optimization-Free Advanced Sourcing Services Analysis

* My Response, Part I

* My Response, Part II

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* Spend Analysis

* e-Sourcing

* SRM: Supplier Relationship Management

* Contract Management

* Decision Optimization

Enporion * Don’t Overlook at the Emporium * Catalog Management

* e-Procurement

* e-RFX & e-Auction

* Contract Management

* Supplier Management

FieldGlass * Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour * Contingent Labor Solution
Global Data Mining * Don’t Underestimate Trade Compliance

* It’s Time To Get Your Trade Data In Order

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* GCM: Global Commerce Management
Head2Head * For the Supply Chain Nail * Staffing & Recruiting
Hiperos * Is It Time To Get Hip With Hiperos?

* Stay Hip With the Program

* Extended Enterprise Management
i2 * New and Improved

* i2 – Still Truckin’

* Spend Visibility
Iasta * Noteworthy

* Optimization: Can you Afford NOT to do it?

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* Spend Analysis

* e-Sourcing

* Decision Optimization

* Contract Management

Import Genius * Are you an Import Genius? * US Import & Export Data
Informance * Enterprise Manufacturing Intelligence

* MPM in Disguise

* Manufacturing Performance Management
Integration Point * Another Way to Get Your Trade Data in Order

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* Trade Compliance to a New Level

* Trade Data Management

* Compliance Solutions

IQ Navigator * IQ-Based Navigation of Contingent Labour Sourcing * Contingent Labour Management
iValua * End-to-End Sourcing and Procurement, Part I

* End-to-End Sourcing and Procurement, Part II

* e-Sourcing

* e-Procurement

Ketera * A Conversation

* Catching Up With

* There’s More than Connect

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* Spend Analysis

* Contract Management

* Supplier Network

* e-Procurement

* Catalog Management

Kinaxis * Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour * Service Management
Lexington Analytics * Welcome

* How much do you know about your spending?

* Do you have a plan?

* Opportunity Analysis: The Challenge is Having Accurate and Usable Spend Information

* Spend Analysis Consulting Services
MCA Solutions * A Strategic Service Parts Management Platform

* Bringing the Aftermarket Forward, Part I

* Bringing the Aftermarket Forward, Part II

* Strategic Service Parts Management

* Aftermarket Management * A Community in the Making

* – Exploding onto the Scene

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* e-RFX

* Supplier Discovery

(The) Mpower Group * Talent, Training, and Transition * Consulting: Talent Management

* Consulting: Risk Management

* Consulting: Strategic Sourcing

* Consulting: Supplier Relationship Management

Nextance (Versata) * Next Generation Contract Management * Contract Management
Next Level Purchasing * Welcome

* Purchasing Certification as a Savings Strategy

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* Purchasing Training

* Certification: Senior Professional in Supply Management (SPSM)

NineSigma * The Open Innovation Mission * Open Innovation
Oracle * No Advanced Sourcing * e-Sourcing

* e-Procurement

Orbian * Ariba + Orbian = ? * SCF: Supply Chain Finance

* e-Payment

Power Advocate * Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour * Strategic Sourcing

* Category & Market Intelligence

* Spend Analysis

… for the Energy Industry

Protiviti * Manage Risk, Reap Reward * Consulting: Risk Management
Provade * Outsourcing, Part I

* Outsourcing, Part II

* Outsourced Procurement

* Workforce Management

Rapt * Sometimes It’s Okay To Get Rapt Up In Revenue

* Rapt Up In Revenue

* Price Optimization
Rearden Commerce * Unique Challenges of Travel Procurement

* Unique Solution For Travel Procurement

* Personal Travel Assistant

* e-Marketplace: Travel

* Expense Management

Rollstream * Roll Out to Your Community

* Steamroll Your Compliance Problems into Submission

* ECM: Enterprise Community Management
Rosslyn Analytics * Taking Analytics-Based Insights to the Masses

* A Spend Visibility Platform the Masses will Rally Around

* Spend Analytics

* Spend Visibility

SAP * Sapphire Sensation * SCM: Supply Chain Management
Servigistics * Tomorrow’s Strategic Service Management Today

* Workforce Management: A Servigistics Approach

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* Service Management
Sorcity * The Sorcerers * e-RFX

* e-Auction

SourceOne * SourceOnce scores a Grand Slam with WhyAbe

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* Stragic Sourcing & Procurement Consulting

* SaaS Sourcing Tools

SupplierSoft * Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* Supplier Process Management

* Supplier Information Management

* Compliance Management

* Supplier Audit Management

SYSPRO * Forecasting and Inventory Optimization for Small & Mid-Sized Businesses, Part I

* Forecasting and Inventory Optimization for Small & Mid-Sized Businesses, Part II


* Inventory Management

* Forecasting

The Receivables Exchange * Become a Financial Superstar * Receivables Financing
ThomasNet * Taking Sourcing to the Masses

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* Supplier Registry

* On-line Procurement Tools

Trade Extensions * On the Eleventh Day … (X-Mas 2008)

* Trades Up Its eNegotiation Management Capabilities and UI

* Demonstrates Optimization is Not Just for the Private Sector

* Strategic Sourcing

* e-RFX

* Decision-Optimization enabled Auctions

True Demand * Overcome the Seven Deadly Sales Suppressors * Inventory Visibility
UGS (Siemens PLM) * Understanding * PLM: Product Life-cycle Management

* e-Sourcing

Upside Software * Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour * Contract Management
Vendormate * Great Fit, Less Fraud! * SRM: Supplier Relationship Management

* Healthcare Solutions

Vinimaya * The Next Wave in Product Catalogue Management (PCM)

* The B2B Search Engine

* Sourcing Maniacs 2008 Vendor Tour

* Catalog Management
WisdomNet * Supply Risk Management * Consulting: Supply Chain Operations

Is your favorite vendor missing? Let the doctor know and — most importantly — let the vendor know! Although the doctor is more than happy to speak with vendors and review their solutions at his earliest opportunity, like many of his blogger brethren, he doesn’t have the time to be making random calls all day trying to chase down elusive vendors. (Especially when some vendors don’t (yet) perceive us bloggers as important enough to bother with. Hard to believe isn’t it? Especially considering Sourcing Innovation now gets more traffic than many of the traditional print publication web sites!)

Also, if you have been covered on Sourcing Innovation before the publication date, and are not on the list, please let the doctor know (and send the permalink) and accept his sincere apologies.