Is “Low-Cost Country” Inflation Driving Manufacturing OnShore?

There’s a lot of noise out there about how inflation may be forcing manufacturing back on-shore (to South America, Mexico, and even the Good Ol’ USA), but how much of it is noise and how much of it is (about to become) reality. Leaders want to know, and so does the Hackett Group.

As a result, the Hackett Group has just launched a new complimentary study designed to assess whether inflationary pressures are driving manufacturing out of China, India, and other low-cost countries. It is trying to answer the relevant questions, which include:

  • What impact are rapidly changing cost drivers having on manufacturers?
  • What strategies are manufacturers using to offset these costs?
  • Are manufacturers bringing production closer to customer markets?
  • What are the critical success factors for optimizing the supply chain footprint?

The study is open until September 16 (2011) and all participants will receive a free copy of the research report and an invitation to the presentation of key research findings. As always, responses from individual participants will remain completely confidential and will be used only in combination with those of other study respondents to develop a composite picture.

The study on “Optimizing the Supply Chain” can be foundĀ on the Hackett site.