High Definition Adoption Measurement Part IV

Today’s guest post is from John Shaw (Senior Director, Adoption Services) of BravoSolution, a leading provider of spend analysis, (e-)sourcing, supplier performance management (SPM) and healthcare sourcing solutions and a sponsor of Sourcing Innovation (SI). It is the fourth of an eight (8) part series, which, when complete, will form a white-paper that BravoSolution will be releasing to the general populace next Wednesday.

Yesterday’s post (Part III) discussed the concept of adoption from 30,000 feet and how this typical view is both useful and useless from an adoption perspective. While it is usually directionally accurate and good for identifying low-hanging fruit, it typically does not indicate if supplier value is increasing, transparency is improving, or efficiency intensifying. For that, more visibility is needed.


Today’s post will provide an example to illustrate this claim.

Company A: Measuring Supplier Value

So let’s go deeper into the challenges of each of our example companies. Company A is a global manufacturer who has been using their e-Sourcing tool for some time. At the 30,000-foot view the project appears to be progressing nicely. However, a key question that is important to Company A remains unanswered: “Are users using the system in a way that helps them to maximize supplier value?”

In order to answer this question, we must first understand what system behaviours drive supplier value. If we start simply, we can conclude that an event should have some basic characteristics:

  • Supplier Participation:
    Maximizing qualified suppliers generally increases award quality.
  • Event Structure:
    Well structured events facilitate a better understanding of supplier capabilities.
  • Spend Value:
    Managing greater volumes of spend increases potential event value.

Next, we create simple measures at the User and Category level. This becomes our 10,000-foot view. We are drilling deeper into the current situation and finding our next layer of adoption improvement opportunities.

Using this level of data we can now begin to look deeper into understanding how system activity is correlating to our business objectives.

By creating a few simple metrics for each of our basic event characteristics we can see the symptoms of poor adoption emerge.

Symptoms of poor adoption.
These patterns become a roadmap of improvement activities for the Adoption Team to explore. Notice on the chart below that Adoption Team activities typically start with an interview and continually ask more questions!

Part V will discuss the importance of understanding the category impact and its implications for the transition to high definition adoption measurement.