Your Free* Holiday Gift from BravoSolution

Those of you who are BravoSolution customers should have already recieved Sourcing Innovation’s latest white-paper on the Top Ten Things to Do in 2013 to Control Costs in your inbox, and those of you who aren’t can download it from BravoSolution’s site (registration is required).

If you were following @sourcingdoctor on that which calls itself Twitter on Saturday (Dec 15, 2012), you would have received a sneak peak into two things that will tank your Supply Management Organization in 2013 if you’re not ready, which were culled from this paper, and those of you who weren’t can still follow @sourcingdoctor and read the post (tweeted in 140 character increments) in his tweet history. (Be sure to use Twitter or another twitter feed reader that presents tweets in reverse chronological order or you will be reading the post backwards.)

For those of you who disdain that which calls itself Twitter, this is why you want to download this paper:

  1. It cleary identifies and explains the seven fates that are going to tank your Supply Management organization in 2013.
  2. It points out the seven elements missing from your Supply Management organization that are exposing your orgnization to the seven fates.
  3. It lays out the ten competencies that you have to master in order to acquire the seven elements that will allow you to fend off the seven fates.
  4. It’s what you need – now. And it’s cool.**

* Registration required.

** Actually, it’s awesome, but making it too obvious wouldn’t be modest.