Conspiracy theorists have long maintained that a secret society composed of a select few, modern Illuminati, are controlling world affairs through government and corporations. It looks like they were right. As referenced in this recent article on Inside Science, a recent “study says world’s stocks [are] controlled by select few”, as per an analysis of the tangled yarn that comprised the 2007 financial markets in 48 countries which consisted of 24,877 stocks and 106,141 shareholding entities.
More specifically, the study found that the Capital Group Companies, Fidelity Management & Research, Barclays PLC , Franklin Resources, AXA, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Dimensional Fund Advisors, Merrill Lynch & Co., Wellington Management Co., and UBS are the top-ten global power holders with major stakes in 36 of the 48 countries studied. In other words, the study found that a very small number of companies in the US financial sector have significant control over 75% of global markets! And since all of these companies are ultimately controlled by a CEO whose power far exceeds that of the monarchs of old, if that’s not the definition of Illuminati, I don’t know what is!