To remind us of the good ol’ days when an a**hole was just an a**hole …
Here’s the classic version …
To remind us of the good ol’ days when an a**hole was just an a**hole …
Here’s the classic version …
They’ve been targeting power (sub) stations for decades, as first reported on SI over a decade ago and most recently reported last weekend.
The Terror Squirrels of Reading upped their game when they forced the evacuation of a Gatwick Train last month.
Now they are sabotaging civilian automobiles in Queens, New York. All they have to do is gnaw the right wire the right amount and your car will randomly stall. Now, they can’t be sure where, but if they can sabotage enough cars in the same way, some will unexpectedly stall in busy intersections and others on the interstate …
Even though some terror squirrel gangs have taken to train robbing,
We feel the need to remind you that solo suicide squirrels are still up to their old sabotaging ways:
On Friday, Sept 20, a squirrel attacked a substation in Jackson, Michigan and knocked out power for over 3,000 customers. (Their efforts were, of course, overshadowed by the Terror Squirrels of Reading.)
Last weekend we informed you of the organized assault on a Gatwick train in the UK.
Sorry to say that we totally missed the covertly captured training video earlier this summer that signaled something was coming … something bigger than just knocking out power substations! (That poor groundhog!)