SpendMatters unveiled its new sponsor today, the JV Kelly Group, a professional services firm headquartered in New York that specializes in developing and implementing innovative spend management solutions and effective, measurable procurement results that Jason Busch has called a best-kept Spend Management secret.
All I can say is that thanks to their innovative investment in the supply and spend management blogsphere, the cat’s out of the bag now. Within a week, I’m sure everyone, or at least everyone who matters , will know who they are – especially with five or so webinars lined up covering best practices in the sourcing and spend management space over the next three months.
If your organization is looking for a way to boost name recognition in the supply and spend management space, and to play a part in the community as well, I’d like to remind you that Sourcing Innovation sponsorships are now available and that there is a slight advantage to being the first to commit (as your logo will be the only logo until subsequent sponsors sign up).
As far as I can tell, this is the only daily blog left in the space that is independent – most of the other independent bloggers got scooped up last year by leading, forward thinking organizations and most of the other daily blogs are now not only vendor sponsored, but vendor operated. This is an opportunity to think different.