But yet, so is unemployment. What’s the deal? According to this recent article over on the Financial Director site (in the UK), on how “working capital bounces back”, Europe’s biggest companies have seen the most significant revenue growth in five years. However, these same companies are hoarding their cash and, in many cases, borrowing to do so, while smaller companies remain starved for capital and unemployment remains near 10%.
This is, in a word, disgusting. As SI posted last Thursday, you get nothing for nothing, so if all your company is doing is hoarding cash instead of spending it on talent and innovation, it doesn’t, at least in SI’s view, have a very bright future. Especially given the overall state of the European economy with entire countries risking default on debt. While SI doesn’t know exactly how much cash the 1000 largest Europe-headquartered public companies are hoarding, SI is sure that it’s enough to make quite a dent in the unemployment wake and economic stability of the EU — something that would be very good for global supply chains that probably can’t afford more costly hits from economic instability and the rising prices that such instability entails.