Imagine what your company could do with invoice automation. As per this recent article over on Shared Services Link on how to turn payables into an opportunity and add $3M to your bottom line, Telus, a 10 Billion telecommunication products and services provider which typically receives 15,000 to 20,000 paper invoices per month, implemented a supplier portal, electronic invoicing, and a dynamic discounting solution that allows them to save 3 Million annually.
When you consider that 10 Billion is big, but not that big these days, that a lot of organizations receive 15,000 to 20,000 paper invoices a month, or more, and that a supplier portal is pretty primitive from an automated invoicing viewpoint, you quickly see that there is quite a lot of opportunity for your organization to save quite a lot of money from invoice processing. In some organizations, the overhead alone from manual processing exceeds a million dollars, and this barely covers a detailed review of 10% to 20% of the invoices. Proper automation insures m-way matching on 100% of invoices with exception-based processing on the 10% to 15% that contain issues or errors.
You see, when you implement the right invoice automation solution:
- 98%+ of all invoices flow through the system,
- 99%+ of all errors are caught,
- 90%+ of all invoices are automatically processed without human intervention, and
- 80%+ process savings are realized and maintained.
And then, instead of spending $30 to $40 to process an single invoice, you’ll be spending $3 to $4. So, if your organization is processing 10,000 invoices a month, you’ll see your overhead costs drop about $300,000 and you’ll save upwards of 3 Million a year before dynamic discounting or other supply chain financing solutions are put into the mix!
For more information on how your organization can save 3 Million, download Sourcing Innovation’s recent white-paper on An End-to-End Invoice Automation Framework – Ten Keys to Success (registration required), sponsored by Nipendo.