Supply Managers are the Rock Stars of the Coming Resource Revolution … But

… the reality is that, in the majority of organizations, Supply Managers are still zeroes, not heroes, even though Professor Sheffi is taking the glass half full view in his article on “how a profession went from zero to hero” on

Supply Managers are only heroes in those leading organizations that were forwarding looking enough to let Purchasers gain influence in both the inbound and outbound supply chain and raise the profile of the organization in the eyes of both customers and suppliers. Their new practices, global view, and risk mitigation not only raised their profile, but also the profile of the organization as a whole. They were given more respect and authority, and soon after were the heroes of their organization.

But not every organization had the foresight of these leading organizations and, as a result, it is still only a select group of leaders that have truly embraced Supply Management and leaped the pond. Most organizations are still effectively in the dark ages and haven’t even embraced RFx or basic e-Invoice technology. While a considerable (but not necessarily a majority) of Fortune 500 / Global 2000 organizations have embraced Supply Management to some degree and some Procurement or Sourcing Technology, as you work your way down to mid-size and smaller organizations, the percentage of organizations that have embraced Supply Management and associated technology decreases dramatically.

Furtheremore, not only is there a huge number of organizations that have not adopted Supply Management, there is a huge gap between the enlightened and the ignorant. And the gap could mean the difference between uninhibited success and eventual bankruptcy.

So how do we spread the message to the masses and usher in the resource revolution?