Suffering from Prediction Mania?

Are you as addicted to the annual prediction explosion as you are to your morning double shot low fat no foam caramel latte with a sprinkle of cinnamon and two sprinkles of nutmeg? Can’t handle the withdrawal?

Then let the doctor give you Sourcing Innovation’s one and only original prediction (as he is joined by Mr. Smith in the prediction that all futurist predictions will be wrong), which, surprise and surprise, is the exact same prediction he gave you in 2013*, laid out in detail in this now classic five-part series! Enjoy!

  I: The CFO Gets Shocking Supply Chain News …

 II: The CEO Returns …

III: Bankruptcy?

 IV: How did it happen?

  V: The fault lies with …

And no, this is not cheating, since all most of the futurists do is recycle the same old predictions year after year, just like they recycle the same old trends, as exposed in detail in SI’s now classic Procurement Trend Expose series which revealed that most trends were old (or is that ancient) news or just continuing blues …