Daily Archives: September 15, 2024

Dear Americans …

You need to understand what Project 2025 is BEFORE the election.

At 922 pages, it’s unreadable. Fortunately, you don’t have to!

A group of people read it and summarized it for you in a 4:32 video!

It’s within your maximum attention span! Enjoy!

Direct Link

Also: you can start with the Wikipedia Page:
Project 2025

Data, Technology, and Insight.

Data is just data.

Tech, even “AI”, is just tech.

Insights only come from Human Intelligence, and, specifically, from the people with the Knowledge of the Data and the Wisdom to apply the right technology that uses the right methods to extract the right Insights.

That’s how it’s always been, that’s how it is, and until we have real AI*, that’s how it will be.

the doctor has written about aspects of this many times here on Sourcing Innovation and on LinkedIn.

However, if you haven’t yet, today he wants you to read the words of wisdom from THE REVELATOR. It’s important you understand what data democratization, data visualization, and Ozempic have in common.

* (which will likely bring about our destruction very shortly after it is created, but that’s a different article)