On the tenth day of X-Mas
my blogger gave to me:
Standard Sourcing Posts
Direct Sourcing Posts
Risk Management Posts
Sustainable Posts
e-Procurement Posts
some SRM Posts
some CLM Posts
some Best Practice Posts
some Trend Bashing Posts
and some ranting on stupidity …
Yesterday we focused in on direct sourcing because most platforms, designed for indirect, weren’t up to snuff for direct sourcing and that needed to be pointed out before we launched into a more general discussion and review of (the best posts on) traditional strategic sourcing.
We’re going to start to explain it’s importance by pointing out that If One Wants to Avoid Cost, Then One Should Avoid Cost At All Costs! This is something most organizations don’t do.
When you realize this and go to market for a proper platform (upon which you can find much advice in the archives), remember that
SI Has Been Telling You Solution Provider RFX Templates SUCK for Years!
Solution Provider RFX Templates SUCK! What Do You Do?
So, Do You Throw Provider RFX Templates Out with the Packaging?
This is true whether they are templates to acquire a solution or acquire the products and services that you need to function as a business.
Then, when you get that platform, remember that
If You Are Going to Create RFPs, Avoid RFP Hell!
After all, you already have to contend with
Eight Reasons Best-in-Class Suppliers are Ignoring Your RFP
why give them more reasons to?
But don’t just switch your events over to e-Auctions, because it’s
Time to Remove e-Auctions from the Strategic Sourcing Toolkit.
There is a host of reasons for doing so. One reason is that
Bidding Flexibility is Important to e-Auction Success
but most e-Auction platforms don’t give you bidding flexibility.
Instead, what you get are
The Entanglements of e-Auctions.
In other words, before you put your faith in e-Auctions, ask yourself:
e-Auctions — Savings Machine or Inflation Nightmare?
Come back tomorrow for the eleventh day of X-Mas.