Daily Archives: June 30, 2007

It Really Is a Dog’s Life (if You’re in the UK Army)

A lot of people don’t like the military and do their best to find and pen disparaging articles on it. And that’s okay, it’s a free country. But every now and then you find an article like this one that really is quite disparaging. Army food is “cheaper than a dog’s dinner”. In the UK, not only do convicted prisoners (with a daily meal cost of £1.87) eat better than serving soldiers (with a daily meal allowance of £1.51), but so do the dogs (with a daily budget of more than £2.63). When they say It’s a Dog’s Life, if you happen to be a dog in the employ of the British Military, it takes on a whole new meaning.

Tip-of-the-hat to The Cynical Sorcerer, Tony Poshek, for demonstrating why there should be a little cynic in all of us!

The Cadbury Crunch

Cadbury, who we know is making grandiose efforts to become synonymous with the color purple (Metro UK), is being hit with hard times. In addition to announcing jog cuts (CNN) in the 7,500 range, it has also announced that it is planning to sell its US beverage unit (that makes Dr. Pepper, Snapple, and 7-Up) because, unlike Coca Cola and Pepsi, when it comes to the US way of life, it just can’t keep up with the Jones’.

And if those sustainability issues weren’t enough, as one of the largest UK manufacturers of chocolate and confectionary, you know its likely going to be accused of sustaining the African conflicts along the Ivory Coast. The Independent has recently reported that British chocoholics (alone!) may have unwittingly helped fund African conflicts along the Ivory coast to the tune of $120M due to the large amount of cocoa purchased from the region (which amounts to 40% of global cocoa production) and the fact that significant proceeds of the sale of cocoa are being used to maintain the war chests. Cadbury is claiming their cocoa comes from Ghana, which borders the Ivory Coast on its western border, but because confectionary mixes are so secretive, a consumer never really knows. Furthermore, how do you know if the truckload you bought in Ghana didn’t just cross the border? Slippery supply issues from a social responsibility perspective indeed!