The Strategic Sourcing Debate, Part II (Who’s Right)

In Part I, we noted how Dalip Raheja of The Mpower Group decided to stir the global hornet’s nest last month by declaring that Strategic Sourcing is Dead and that The Sourcing Emperor Has No Clothes. This was quickly picked up across the supply management blog-sphere and resulted in powerful reactions from a number of prominent bloggers, including most of the heavyweights.

So who is right? Did Jason Busch (of Spend Matters) get it right when he insisted that Strategic Sourcing Ain’t Dead, Regardless of What the Naysayers Suggest? How about Robert A. Rudzki (of Greybeard Advisors and author of Beat the Odds: Avoid Corporate Death and Build a Resilient Enterprise) who focussed on Returning the “Strategic” to Strategic Sourcing? OrTim Cummins’ (who leads the IACCM) who lamented The Death Of Procurement: Nightmare or Nirvana?Then there was Steve Hall (of the Procurement Leaders Blog) who lamented on the Rumours of the Death of Strategic Sourcing, Dave Henshall (of Purchasing Practice) who addressed Procurement 2.0 – and Other Labels, Josh Dials (of Iasta) who said it’s time to Put “Strategic” Back into your Strategic Sourcing, Joe Payne (of Source One Management Services) who shouted that Strategic Sourcing Lives On!, and William Dorn (of Source One Management Services) who ranted that Strategic Sourcing is Alive and Kicking.

Only one person got it right. It wasn’t the Spend Matters prophet, Jason, the Greybeard Advisor, Bob, or the global contracting king, Tim. It wasn’t practice leaders Dave Henshall, William Dorn, or Dalip Raheja. It wasn’t Iasta’s newest blogger, Josh Dials, and it wasn’t the Procurement Leader advocate Steve Hall either. That’s right, it was:

Joe Payne. Source One’s Director of Strategic Sourcing, the cub among the lions, who rarely speaks up (and posts maybe twice a month) was the only who got it right. While everyone was arguing alive-vs-dead, cost-vs-value, fixed-vs-variable, etc. Joe was the only one who hit the nail on the head with his hammer by pointing out the one key fact that makes the whole debate moot:

At most companies, the concept of strategic sourcing hasn’t even been born yet. As Geoffrey Moore would say, strategic sourcing has yet to cross the chasm. This is true not only in the mid-market, which has just started to tune into sourcing and e-Sourcing, but, as Joe points out, at a large number of Billion-dollar multi-nationals as well. Even today, in 2010, strategic sourcing is still only being used at the leaders and innovators, which is never more than 20% of the market, and often not more than 10%. (This is clarified by the fact that the vast majority of companies still don’t use true spend analysis or decision optimization, the only technologies that allow you to strategically select the categories with the largest opportunities and analyze not only the total cost, but the total value of a proposed award, and the only two technologies proven to deliver double-digit returns, on average, every time they are used, with 11% for true spend analysis and 12% for decision optimization.)

This isn’t to say that the other contestants, and the heavyweights in particular, didn’t make some good points, as most of them did, but that many of them missed the key point. (Furthermore, just about everyone got something wrong too.) An idea can’t die before it’s born, and while you can argue that the continual evolution that is required as the organization gains maturity implies a continual death of ideas (until the original idea is barely recognizable), it also implies a continual rebirth of ideas.

So how did the other contestants fare?

I’ll let you know in Part III.

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