Daily Archives: February 2, 2015

The Evolution of Purchasing

Today’s guest post is from Lisa Nyce, Senior Project Analyst for Source One Management Services, LLC. Source One is a leading provider of sourcing consultancy and category management services.

Over the years, purchasing has become more strategy-oriented, rather than transactional. Purchasing professionals have evolved from the processing of traditional purchase orders and similar responsibilities to involvement in higher value and higher impact ROI projects. Technological advances enable purchasing professionals to offer so much more to an organization today. So sit back, buckle up, and get ready to navigate through a number of drastic transformations – we’ll show you how to become a more involved player by taking advantage of a shifting technological landscape.

Procurement pros have a growing number of tools in their arsenal to help make their lives easier and their projects more successful:

  • Spend Analysis Software – Get a better understanding of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of goods and services. To get the most out of any software, the backing of the supporting department and program is essential. For example, with supplier relationship management software, a thorough strategy containing performance management and risk mitigation plans allows a software solution to serve with a full-circle advantage.
  • Cost Savings Tracking – identify cost savings opportunities and aid in the verification of implementation. Aside from the straight-forward benefit of tracking immediate cost savings, these tools can be used to remain competitive by ensuring that these savings are sustained over time and supplier rates remain locked at negotiated levels.
  • Supplier Report Cards – Ensure that expectations are being understood and met by both suppliers and internal stakeholders. These serve as an asset as new technology is presented and suppliers are scorecarded for future endeavors. As the technological landscape shifts, suppliers who don’t “keep up with the times” can be eliminated.
  • Stronger Legal Controls – minimize the need to involve a legal department or outside counsel when engaging in contractual negotiations. As heavily-regulated industries see a new or adapted regulatory climate, these legal controls assist in preventing penalties or a stigma attached to a brand as a result of internal or third-party noncompliance.

Purchasing has been incorporated into the more inclusive Supply Chain operation – it is no longer just a function of buying what is needed at the right time, at the right price with the right quality. Supply Chain activities encompass Strategic Sourcing, Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), Logistics, Planning and Quality. All of these new factors make purchasing a strategic function and the key to being able to meet or exceed the customer’s expectations.

New options abound for management and procurement professionals alike

Organizations have reduced the number of individuals required to get work done. Thirty years ago a typical Purchasing Department could include a Purchasing Manager, Buyers, expediters and clerks. That amount of manpower is simply not needed today. Electronic efficiencies have virtually eliminated clerical positions, and due to more efficient MRP systems, transactions are completed in less time allowing more time to source strategically, build stronger relationships with suppliers, and engage more with customers and stakeholders. Furthermore, employers today have many more options for staffing.

There are permanent, temporary, contract-to-hire, and various staffing options specific to the procurement industry. Procurement consulting is a viable option for companies wanting to obtain subject matter expertise on a particular spend category.

Likewise, supply chain professionals have access to a wider range of educational options to up their game: Logistics, Planning, Procurement, Supplier relations to name just a few. Not only are degrees available in Supply Chain but certifications from accredited institutions and groups are also available to a much greater extent.

The evolution of the Purchasing function has developed and will continue to do so. The change is necessary for organizations to continue to prosper. To stay ahead of the curve, remember to always monitor developments and consider what areas of improvement are possible – this will pave the way to not only personal gains but also further changes in the industry.

Thanks, Lisa.