In our last post on why you shouldn’t let tail spend take you for a tail spin, we noted that tail spend could be keeping an additional 3% of revenue from hitting the bottom line (and, depending on your industry, and its margins, reducing your profit potential by up to 50%) and severely impacting your organization’s profit potential (and operating budget, which Procurement rarely has enough of).
We told you the answer to that was Sourcing Innovation’s new white paper on An Introduction to Tail Spend — and why you need a technology-based solution (registration required), sponsored by Claritum, because, unlike most papers, it tells you not only what tail spend is, and why not addressing it is costing your organization more than you know, but how to do something about it.
And it’s not just the typical solutions that the paper throws at you, which include:
- tacking it on to managed spend,
- using a GPO,
- e-Catalogs, and
- optimization-backed sourcing platforms
- strategic suppliers want to supply high-volume or high-value products, not low-volume or low-value products, and certainly not as a condition for supplying strategic categories
- GPO pricing is only as strong as their constituents and if the majority of the constituents don’t want the products or services that constitute your organization’s tail spend, their prices won’t be much better
- tail spend is too unpredictable to be managed through a single catalog, especially since only a portion of tail spend should generally be made as catalog spot-buys
- as optimization-backed sourcing platforms have the power to source much of tail spend, but don’t provide the guidance, and the strategy is often the most important thing
That’s why the paper provides not a single strategy, but a process for selecting the right strategy for each type of tail spend, as well as guidance on how to choose a platform to support it.
So download Sourcing Innovation’s new white paper on An Introduction to Tail Spend — and why you need a technology-based solution (registration required), sponsored by Claritum, and get your tail spend management on the right track.