What’s the value of SI Sponsorship? Quite a lot — you can contact the doctor <at> sourcinginnovation <dot> com to find out more, but here are two interesting statistics that SI has not advertised until now:
1/3 of all companies that have had a commercial relationship with SI have merged or been acquired and are now bigger, more successful entities
2/3 of all companies that have sponsored SI have merged or been acquired and are now bigger, more successful entities
In other words, companies associated with SI have become so successful, they become very attractive to not only customers, but peers and PE firms! They have options!
To the best of SI’s knowledge, NO OTHER INDEPENDENT PUBLICATION or Independent Analyst Entity has had this success rate.
Can SI take all the credit? Probably not, but the doctor is quite confident that the implied correlation is this — if you are visionary enough to focus on building your market (and work with SI to achieve that), instead of just trying to steal your competitor’s customers, you’re probably going to succeed. And SI is one of the partners that is going to help you … greatly.
(And if you’re too big to merge or be acquired, don’t worry! SI can still help you create new markets for your products. And then you too can be happy.)