
Welcome to the unofficial launch of Sourcing Innovation (on June 9, 2006), a new blog about … sourcing innovation.  On launch, this blog was designed to complement other leading supply chain blogs on the internet, including Spend Matters (http://www.spendmatters.com/) by Jason Busch, E-Sourcing Forum (defunct, see the archives on the WayBackMachine) by David Bush, and Procurement […]

5 Ways to Take Your Sourcing to the Next Level

Originally posted on on the e-Sourcing Forum [WayBackMachine] on Thursday, 23 August 2007 Design for Sourcing Successful innovation designs for sourcing. Waiting until the prototype phase, after engineers have made material and component choices, increases the chances that all designed-in-costs will be locked in. Considering that the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) estimates these […]

Weekend Series Wrap Up III: The Innovation Revolution

Originally posted on on the e-Sourcing Forum [WayBackMachine] on Sunday, 17 September 2006 This is the last full weekend of the summer, and, thus, the last summer weekend series on e-Sourcing Forum. This summer we discussed, in detail, 12 topics in process and technology, supply management, and innovation that we hope you can use to […]

Purchasing Innovation VI: CrowdSourcing

Initially posted on the e-Sourcing Forum [WayBackMachine] on Sunday, 16 July 2006 Crowdsourcing is the New Outsourcing … but what does it have to do with Sourcing? That is a Very Good Question … but first we need to defining what Crowdsourcing is. However, I am going to first summarize yesterday’s blog entry on “Sourcing […]

Purchasing Innovation III: The Verifier Approach

Initially posted on the e-Sourcing Forum [WayBackMachine] on Sunday, 2 July 2006 In yesterday’s post, I introduced you to TRIZ and the benefits it can provide across your organization. In this post, I’d like to introduce you to another methodology, hailing from the great halls of science, or at least the hall of a researcher […]