What makes a Procurement Professional?

Even though it had a very academic bent, a good presentation at the Fourth Annual International Symposium on Supply Chain Management was Paul Larson’s presentation on “A Survey of Professionals on Topics, Tools, and Techniques for SCM”. In this presentation, he overviewed a number of surveys carried out over the past few years that, as […]

Innovation Matters

Seventy-two percent of companies worldwide will increase spending on innovation in 2006, and 41 percent will increase spending significantly, according to a recent survey of senior management conducted by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) as summarized in “Innovation 2006” and “Measuring Innovation 2006”. The study was based on responses from more than 1,000 senior executives […]

Innovation Week I Review

This week we discussed five sources of sourcing innovation: Going Green, which can help you reduce costs, increase market share, help the environment, and keep the tree-huggers happy – all at once!, Build-to-Order, which allows you to increase customization, avoid single-sourcing scenarios, and operate using demand-driven best practices, Purchase-Order Free Supply Chains which allows you […]

The Operations Research Process

Operations Research is “the use of mathematical models, statistics and algorithms to aid in decision-making. It is most often used to analyze complex real-world systems, typically with the goal of improving or optimizing performance. It is one form of applied mathematics.” (Wikipedia) The quest for improvement has been a continual one and operations research has […]