The 12 Days of X-emplification: Day 4 – Contract Management

Contract Management is important. If you don’t acquire the goods and services at the negotiated prices, what was the point in spending all of that time coming up with the best award and negotiating the contract? However, as a colleague of mine once remarked, most of the “contract management” solutions on the market today don’t […]

Integrating Contract Management and Spend Analysis

Today I’d like to welcome back Eric Strovink of BIQ [acquired by Opera Solutions, rebranded ElectrifAI] to Sourcing Innovation. In this post, Eric tackles the contract management – spend analysis integration issue that the sales and marketing representatives of a number of suite vendors often make a lot of fuss about. If your company is […]

Enterprise Contract Management

Contract Management (CM), sometimes known as Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM), can be simply defined as the management of contracts made with customers, vendors, or employees. (Wikipedia) From procurement’s perspective, contract management is the process of tracking contracts to determine who you should be ordering from, when, and at what price; and ensuring that your suppliers […]