Daily Archives: December 22, 2006

On the Tenth Day of X-Mas (Best Blog Posts of 2006)

On the tenth day of X-Mas
my blogger gave to me
blog posts worth keeping,
spend vendors lancing,
thoughts for a shilling,
strategies for winning,
tactics for saving,
five golden rings,
four little words,
tri-focal lens,
two boxing gloves,
and a lesson in strategy.

10 Sourcing Innovation Blog Posts Worth Keeping

10 Spend Matters* [WayBackMachine] Blog Posts Worth Keeping

Optimization Should Drive Complex Direct Materials Decisions
Building Global Sourcing Skills and Talent in Your Organization
The Spend Management Platform
The Top Ten Myths of Analyst Relations
Hitting the Spend Management Wall — and Getting Over It
The Spend Management Talent Game (Part 1)
Integration: The New, New Thing
Sourcing Innovation: Securitizing Direct Materials
Global Sourcing: Does Innovation Matter?
On-Demand: The Next Generation

10 e-Sourcing Forum [WayBackMachine] Blog Posts Worth Keeping

Reverse Auction Selection Criteria 101
Spend Analysis: MacroMap and MicroMap
Build it and they will come
Sustaining and Growing e-Sourcing Success
Most Favored Nations – Part II
“Change” does not equal “Refresh”
The Future of Sourcing?
The Three Deadly Myths of SPM
Dave Stephens on Procurement, Open Source, and Doing What You Love
Aberdeen Responds to E-Sourcing Forum

10 Supply Excellence [WayBackMachine] Blog Posts Worth Keeping

If Opportunity Doesn’t Knock, Build Your Own Door
Your Company is Being Acquired. Now What?
Top Supply Strategy #5: Getting Organized
Top Supply Strategy #4: Grabbing the Supplier Performance Ring
Top Supply Strategy #3: Sourcing Grows Up
Top Supply Strategy #2: A Compliance Tale
Top Supply Strategy #1: A Spend Intelligence Short Story
The Perfect Pitch In Action
Predicting the Future of Strategic Sourcing: Part II
Sourcing Innovation: Prediction for Future of Strategic Sourcing

10 Procurement Central [WayBackMachine] Blog Posts Worth Keeping

Use “Use Cases” to Evaluate Procurement Software
Performance Based Pay – Thoughts from a Silicon Valley guy
The Future of Sourcing
So Your Supplier Has Been Acquired, What Next?
The Problem with Procuring Open Source
Hiring the Best
Software Patent Pirates
The Other Side Of On-Demand & SaaS
Indirect Procurement Risk Factors
Supplier Onboarding Costs

10 Purchase Realm [WayBackMachine] Blog Posts Worth Keeping

Top 7 Things I Learned About Buying Software
4 Sites for Creative and Quirky Purchasing
Supply Chain Vulnerability
Procurement Succession Planning
When Should Suppliers Get Involved
Managing Global Sourcing
How To Become A Buyer
Purchasing Case Studies
Smarter Purchasing Equals More Profit
Top 7 Signs Your New Co-Worker is a Purchasing Dud

10 Vendor Management (renamed Contract Capital Management) [WayBackMachine] Blog Posts Worth Keeping

Measuring the performance of a procurement department
Rogers and Hammerstein: The Future of Sourcing
Your most valuable asset
Blue Ocean Strategy and The Tawny Scrawny Lion
Are your vendors the Spice Girls or Arcadia?
Quick and dirty financial model: Efficient RFT processes v. contract management: Part 1
Outsourcing contracts: Not all fairness is equal
Trust, service delivery and contract management
Are we focusing too much on procurement?
Cult Contract Management

10 Purchasing Certification (now the NLPA blog as Next Level Purchasing, acquired by Certitrek, was renamed the NLPA) Blog Posts Worth Keeping

CPO’s & The Talent Search
Purchasing Education & Being Open-Minded
Skills For Purchasing Positions
Qualities of a Successful Buyer
Procurement Benchmarking
Talent Management
Sourcing Innovation For Enterprise-Wide Contracts
Sourcing Innovation for Single-Customer Contracts
Government Procurement Ethics & The Slammer
A Common Buyer Training Omission

10 European Leaders Network [WayBackMachine] Blog Posts Worth Keeping

The Future of Work
Spend Analysis: One Company’s Story
What’s Your Problem? Top Hurdles to Supply Management Success
Success Factors for Professional Purchasing
Procurement Benchmarking – Where do you start?
Taking Advantage of the Global Service Delivery Model
Procurement Outsourcing – Where Next?
Strategic Purchasing – Overused and Undervalued
Why e-Sourcing is Good for Suppliers
Low-cost countries sourcing trends

10 CombineNotes Blog [WayBackMachine] Posts Worth Keeping

Optimization Enabled Performance Management
Finance’s Contribution to Sourcing Optimization
Remove Uncertainty from Spend Management
Configuration vs Customization
Media Planning – Optimized
The Make vs. Buy Dilemma
Perspectives in Puzzling
Project Zander and Comprehensive Network Design
Analytics Support Negotiations
Expressive Commerce and The Long Tail

* All posts prior to 2012 were removed in the Spend Matters site refresh in June, 2023.