Sourcing 2007: Part I

Back in my 12 Days of X-Mas series, on the Eight Day of X-Mas in particular, I gave you two of my predictions for 2007 and two of my anti-predictions for 2007. Shortly after, David Bush posted his “Predictions for 2007” over on e-Sourcing Forum [WayBackMachine].

I then thought it would be a great idea if all of the bloggers jotted down their predictions for 2007, so I decided that if they would, I would “moderate” and make sure that no blog entry was overlooked and that everyone had a common place to discuss and debate, if they so desired. Today, two more great posts on sourcing and procurement predictions for 2007 went up and now I bring you the Sourcing 2007 Series, Part I.

Predictions from:

  • eSourcing Forum’s David Bush
  • Supply Excellence’s [WayBackMachine] Tim Minahan
  • The Purchasing Certification Blog’s (now the Certitrek NLPA blog) Charles Dominick

The comment feature works, so feel free to share your thoughts! (As long as they are fair, honest, and do not contain any personal attacks, of course.) As more posts go up, I’ll be sure to alert you.