Build a Better Worker

The April 23 (2007) issue of Canadian Business had a large section on the Best Workplaces of 2007 with the theme of How to Build a Better Worker that contained a number of useful tips for those of you working on your Talent Acquisition, Retention, and Development plans to make sure you don’t become another victim of The Talent Crunch.

The section contained a number of articles that focussed on how the best workplaces focus on fairness, promote respect, build credibility, instill pride, and cultivate camaraderie. Each of these articles contained a mini-tips section that is worth noting since you can use it as the foundations for your efforts.

In “Fairness First”, we are given five tips to foster fairness:

  • Manage ExpectationsAlso, under-promise and over-deliver.
  • Seek InputAnd integrate good suggestions into your initiatives.
  • Make Decisions TransparentDon’t sugar-coat bad news. They’re adults, after all.
  • Explain the Decision-Making ProcessBe transparent, honest, and regular.
  • Don’t Throw Money AroundWhen something’s wrong, diagnose it and fix it.

    Money alone won’t keep a good employee in a bad environment.

In “Well Done”, we are presented with five techniques to build respect:

  • Invest in EmployeesOffer training and development programs.
  • Acknowledge Good Work and Extra EffortFormally or informally, whatever works best.
  • Use a Variety of Techniques to Encourage InputRespond to input and implement good ideas.
  • Include Employees in Important DecisionsGive employees a chance to voice concerns.
  • Recognize that Employees have Personal LivesAllow some flexibility with schedules.

In “Talk the Talk”, we are provided four insights on creating credibility:

  • Keep Employees Informed Using Available ChannelsUse newsletters and video-conferences in addition to on-site meetings.
  • Do Your Job WellFocus on becoming and staying an expert.
  • Deliver on PromisesBuild a track record of matching words with actions and your employees will trust you.
  • Perform ConsistentlyIf you make a mistake, acknowledge it promptly, take responsibility, and focus on correcting the situation.

In “Proud out Loud”, we are notified of three methodologies for promoting pride:

  • Clarify the Organization’s Connection with CommunitySocial responsibility is more than just good public relations.
  • Clearly Explain Goals and Make Sure They are UnderstoodEveryone tends to pull in the same direction when they all know the same score.
  • Empower Employees to Make Decisions, Especially Regarding Customers Employees who feel they have the authority to make the “right decision

    are happier, more productive, and more confident.

In “Work Buds”, we are granted three approaches for cultivating camaraderie:

  • Set Ground Rules and Encourage CreativityCelebrate special events and productivity.
  • Create a Hospitable WorkplaceA little fun goes a long way so encourage staff to socialize regularly.
  • Build a Sense of CommunityEmployees should be able to count on each other professionally and personally.