ISM’s Prediction for the Supply Chain of the Next Decade

A recent article over on the ISM site on Globalization: An Endeavour in Fluidity laid down some predictions for supply chains in 2010 and beyond which were pretty interesting as some of them indicate that supply chains will finally in a direction they should have moved five years ago (as regular readers of Sourcing Innovation and Spend Matters are well aware).

The six predictions made were the following:

  • Networks will be demand based

    instead of being inventory-focussed with the intention of pushing as much product into the market. Every market becomes saturated at some point. A supply network has to be demand based to be profitable over the long term. And sometimes, selling less at an optimal price point is more profitable than selling more.

  • Debt load will hinder, advance initiatives

    While many companies will still file for bankruptcy, those companies that have been aggressively working to eliminate debt will be left with more growth possibilities, which will allow them to fund new supply chain initiatives.

  • A shift in the value of innovation

    The focus will start to shift away from LCCS (Low Cost Country Sourcing) to LCCI (Low Cost Country Innovation) as companies shift their focus to harvesting the innovation potential in the LCCS markets.

  • Sourcing markets become buyers

    As the emerging markets gain a greater share of global purchasing power, organizations will repurpose their networks to supply these markets with goods and services in addition to sourcing from them.

  • Corporate responsibility as a competitive advantage

    Sustainability and corporate responsibility is front and centre in the thoughts of every consumer these days. Those companies seen to be responsible now enjoy greater mindshares than their competitors, and this is leading to greater market shares as well.

  • United States a viable sourcing option

    Due to the weakened dollar, the US will continue to remain an attractive location for foreign investment. Furthermore, home cost country sourcing will begin to take hold as many firms realize that it’s just as cost effective to source and produce locally, as it is to source and produce half-way around the world once you take into account rising transportation costs (as oil prices rise again), uncertainties, the weakened US dollar, and the savings from government subsidies and tax-breaks being pumped into the economy to stimulate it.

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