If You Want To Be Sustainable, Be Consistent

Over on the Procurement Leaders Procurement Blog, Steve Hall penned a good post on the importance of consistency in sustainable sourcing. In particular:

  • consistency in the way Procurement speaks to stakeholders and members of its supply chain(s),
  • consistency of the message across the company, and
  • consistency across the community as well.

This is because there is a lot of confusion around sustainability and environmentally friendly, thanks to overuse, and, more importantly, misuse by PR “pros” around the globe. Harking the need for responsible sourcing and a confusion free lexicon, Steve zeros in on the importance of consistency because if a company can identify what a sustainable product is, they’re in a position to tell customers/consumers what that is and why, rather than just slapping a green label on it (and possibly committing one or more greenwashing sins). And that’s a good thing.