And if you haven’t caught on to this profitable little secret yet, you should!
What is the doctor referring to?
Way back (but no so far back that one requires the wayback machine) in the beginning, the doctor penned a post informing you that the best place to do international business in Canada is Halifax, Nova Scotia (which he remind you of six years later). The reasons for this were many and included (compared to other major Canadian cities) low operating cost, low cost of living index, low crime rate, low unemployment, an award winning international airport, the Port of Halifax, a perfect time-zone (4 hours ahead of Los Angeles and 4 hours behind London), a lot of culture, even more education, and a plethora of leading and innovating companies to help you get to where you want to go. Moreover, a study a few years ago found that Halifax offers a company the cheapest headquarters location in North America in addition to all of these other benefits (with an average cost 8% below the US low point in the Indianapolis-Carmel-Fishers area and 30% less than one of the the US high points in New York City).
But now it seems that the secret is coming out of the bag, as per this recent post over on the industry leading outsourcing blog Horses for Sources (HfS) that recently publicized that Nova Scotia is the greatest nearshore location of all. (Which means that you’re running out of time to act ahead of your peers and take advantage of all of Halifax has to offer at incredible savings that will go straight to your company’s bottom line.)
According to HfS’ post, Halifax, which exists in a region with 10 universities and 13 community college campuses producing over 10,000 graduates a year, presents a great opportunity for outsourced IT and BPO services (and that’s why IBM hosts its service centre, specializing in data analytics, in Halifax). (And despite the comment, you don’t need a canoe to get around. We have a good transportation infrastructure, but you can keep the canoe if you really want to.)
For cost reductions and efficiency improvements across the board, maybe you should look to the North.