Wait, what? We’re the good guys, right? Yes, we are. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t a damnation. We are. And we’re the worst kind. (And that’s why we saved this damnation for last.) Why?
We seek the truth.
This is not just bad for vendors who do not want the truth exposed, but bad for you. Because what do you do when you finally come around to the dark side that the analysts and vendors claim we spread, and your eyes get opened and you realize that the solution you rushed into is not the right one. But you’re 18 months into a 36 month agreement, and getting out is almost impossible.
We don’t pull punches.
Not only do we speak the truth, but we don’t like to sugar coat it. Not even a little bit. A spoonful of sugar might make the medicine go down, but before you will take any medicine, you have to admit that you’re sick. We help you realize when you’re sick, when you need medicine, and what that medicine is, even when you don’t realize that you’re sick. And sometimes it hurts, but once you figure it out, and take the medicine, you get stronger. And that’s what’s important.
And sometimes our messaging runs counter to the message your bosses just paid a top analyst firm six (or seven) figures for.
Talk about damnation. Especially if we give you the message for free! The last thing you want to do is find out that the thick research report you paid six (or seven) figures for gives you the wrong message and, more importantly, contains the wrong research (leaving out vendors or solutions you desperately need in exchange for solutions that only partially fill the gaps). What could be worse, especially if another CXO wasted a good part of your research budget?
And because of this, some analysts or vendors will go out of their way to try and discredit us.
Trying to prove that we’re not bloggers, that we’re really independent analysts or consultants trying to spread a message that inflates our bank accounts, or really vendor reps who haven’t yet announced their affiliation. But when we are recommending an approach that has nothing to do with consulting or products we may, or may not, be selling; when we are spreading a message that inflates the bank accounts of others (but not us); or when we are talking about vendors who won’t even pay us a dime no matter how much we promote a shared cause, then those messages can’t be true. But the confusion others will cause will only bring more damnation upon us all.
When you’ve been drawn down the wrong road, sometimes a message from the right road can be the worst damnation of all.