Dear Vendor Rep, when you hear “We have trouble … ” You SHOULD NOT assume the individual wants you to sell them whatever your closest solution is. NEVER!

Another Friday. Another dozen topics to rant about. But one has to surface to the top, and this week, it’s the circulating documents and advice on LinkedIn on what a vendor sales rep should say when a potential customer says “X”. I don’t want to get to specific, and inadvertently call people out (although I […]

AI: Applied Indirection, Artificial Idiocy, & Automated Incompetence … The April Fools Joke Vendors are Playing on You Year Round!

So on the one day of the year when they should be making the joke, I’m going to reveal it. The vast majority of vendors who claim “AI”, where they want you to think “AI” stands for Artificial Intelligence, have no “AI” in that context, and many don’t even have anything close. A few may […]

Maximizing ROI from Technology

Logistics Management recently published a piece on Maximizing ROI from Technology that included some good tips that deserve to be repeated. The first point to note is that, as stated by Beth Peterson (President of BPE Global), the biggest mistake [companies] make is that they implement a solution without even beginning to measure what they […]