Source-to-Pay+ is Extensive (P25) … And Contract Management Very Extensive … So Here Are 80 Contract Management Companies to Check Out!

And now the post you’ve all been waiting for! A partial, starting, list of 80 contract management companies that may (or may not) meet some, or many, of the core baseline capabilities we outlined in the last three parts of this series (Part 22, Part 23, and Part 24) as we discussed the Negotiation, Analysis, […]

Source-to-Pay+ is Extensive (P21) … And We Have a Long Way To Go! Next Up: Contract Management

When we started in Part 1, we noted that even though all core sourcing and procurement technologies have been available for twenty (20) years (although it is debatable just how good the initial versions of many of these applications were) … the majority of organizations still do not have what any modern analyst would consider […]

Agiloft — For those with Lofty Ambitions for Contract Management Agility

Agiloft is another rare breed in the Supply Management space. It’s ancient (as it was founded in 1991, only a year after the first web browser was invented), it was founded to be a back-office B2B enterprise application (and their main offerings are service desk, workflow & business process management, and contract management), it’s debt-free, […]

The Corridor to Enterprise Contract Management

While there are a lot of vendors offering up contract management solutions, there are few vendors left offering pure-play contract management solutions. For example, even long-time contract specialist vendors like Selectica have acquired sourcing and procurement vendors (like Iasta and b-Pack in Selectica’s case, which changed it’s name to Determine). About the only pure-play contract […]