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Why are Big X training so many “consultants” on AI?

Especially Gen-AI? For the longest time, the doctor couldn’t understand why so many Big X consultancies were training so many “consultants” on AI, especially Gen-AI. Most of their junior “consultants” can’t even use advanced functionality in today’s analytics applications (as you need advanced degrees in mathematics, computer science, data science, and/or Operations Research to do so) or deliver significant value on traditional analytics and advisory projects relative to the price they charge (unless they are being led by a more senior person with the analytics knowledge and real-world experience). (Read our previous articles and comments on where this talent ends up [which is typically not a Big X] and where these Big X firms offer unparalleled value [and where you should be using Big X].)

But it was recently all made clear to me. These consultants, who struggle with basic projects (as reflected in the high tech failure rates they are regularly a part of as the typical first choice for a third party implementation team when the vendor does not provide them adequate training and support on the platform they are implementing), are barely up to doing the work (as they are usually straight out of school with no real world experience or deep knowledge of anything not taught in a textbook MBA program), and definitely not up to doing strategic engagements out of the gate!

However, with companies wanting to rapidly digitize across the board (which they need to, but, not all digitization requirements should have equal priority), they need strategic advice and direction, and these firms just don’t have enough senior consultants to handle all the engagements and, most importantly, do the work required to put those book-sized briefs and presentations together.

But the one thing Gen-AI can do is take in millions of pages of strategic plans and presentations, take in instructions of what is desired, then generate pages of text from bits and pieces of these historical plans and presentations for each instruction, amalgamate them all together, and produce a detailed report and presentation that they can present to the client. And do this in a few hours under the guidance of a junior analyst with a (Gen-) AI playbook! Then all the senior person has to do is a quick tweak and review!

We’re not joking! The crazy thing is, with so much free material on the internet, with a little bit of elbow grease, and some very creative prompt engineering, you can do this yourself. And someone on LinkedIn already showed you how — giving you this information for FREE in this LinkedIn article. (And should that article disappear, here’s a link to the author’s article on his site.)

So now you know. It’s not about getting you better results (which may or may not happen, every project is different), it’s to give them the ability to take on more projects that they wouldn’t otherwise have the manpower to do.

And if you really want good results, note that you can always hire a real strategic senior consultant from a specialist niche consultancy who often won’t be on multiple projects at the same time, and who can give the insights you need without wasting trees printing out book sized presentations for you. After al, relative to the value the right consultant will bring, Consultants are Cheap and, in our space, the key to Affordable RFPs!

Yes Jon, “We’re Always Right, No Questions Please” is the new Big X and Big Analyst Firm Mantra

Note the Sourcing Innovation Editorial Disclaimers and note this is a very opinionated rant!ย  Your mileage will vary!ย  (And not really about any firm in particular, although only a few firms have removed our questions and discussion points, and directly aimed at marketing/public relations, as we’re not sure the analysts or consultants behind the firms, research, or opinions would shy from an open, honest, fact-focused debate.)

This originally appeared on LinkedIn. Archiving it here for posterity (and accessibility).

Dear Jon THE REVELATOR, we need to answer your comment handling inquiry in Censorship in the Procurement World with a quadrant, because they (the Big X and Big Analyst Firms) won’t understand the discussion otherwise.

Personal Not Personal
No Claim 1. Delete 2. Ignore
Valid Claim 3. Insult, Respond 4. Debate

1. If the response has no claim and is personal, such as “You’re an @ssh0l3 and a gr!nch!“, you can delete. Flame wars are for Facebook and X, not business networking platforms.

2. If the response has no claim and is not personal, such as “Hey, I like the colour blue too!“, then you just ignore it, even if you feel it is totally irrelevant. Maybe it’ll distract from the core message or core conversation in the presence of a weaker mind, but take the high road, even if you are preying on that weaker mind as your next sucker, err, client.

3. If the response has a claim, but also has an insult, respond appropriately. e.g. if you get something like, “You’re dumber than a doorknob for not believing in our messiah, Gen-AI, because early results haven’t disproven that intelligence won’t emerge someday if we just give it more cores and more data.”, then it’s okay to respond with something like “Dear disillusioned cultist, if you look at the underlying science, i.e. the math and algorithms, you’ll see that it fundamentally doesn’t even support the capabilities being claimed now and cannot support support the emergent intelligence you so claim. P.S. Please don’t drink the punch at the X-mas party, your employer is almost bankrupt and since it doesn’t want to fold, it has to cut it’s biggest costs somehow …”

4. If the response is just a claim to the contrary with a reasonable argument, such as “your methodology is no better than anyone else’s, and may in fact be worse, as success rates as a whole have not improved and, in fact, for technologies in your hype cycle, have actually gotten worse so you shouldn’t be claiming to be able to provide visionary leadership to tech leaders“, then it’s a perfectly valid comment and question, should not be deleted, and the poster should respond with whatever evidence they have to back up their bold claims. (And if they are just two wild and crazy guys who are all in all just inept strangers in a strange land, so be it! The truth must come out!)

Basically, what we’ve done with your leadership is to just expose the truth about these Big X and Big Analyst marketing and public relation cults, who seem to all subscribe to the “๐–๐ž’๐ซ๐ž ๐š๐ฅ๐ฐ๐š๐ฒ๐ฌ ๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ, ๐ง๐จ ๐ช๐ฎ๐ž๐ฌ๐ญ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ž” mantra, as I’ve had multiple comments deleted by all of them too!

It’s sad, because there are a lot of situations when you should use a Big X for big value, and even though I regularly disagree with the methods and opinions of many of the Big Analysts firms on a regular basis, that doesn’t stop me from calling out everything they publish that is good (and sometimes even thanking them for it publicly) or from calling out their senior analysts who are doing a fantastic job.

(And the comments I made, in my view, were quite humble compared to the ranting I do in opinion pieces on this blog.ย  As per the about and disclaimers, I target generalities and classes, not specific vendors, solutions, or people. So when I’m discussing particular vendors, solutions, or people, especially in opinion pieces, I try to be as balanced and fair as possible.ย  And, as per the disclaimers, if factual information is presented to me that I’m not being such, corrections will be made.)

Dear Americans …

You need to understand what Project 2025 is BEFORE the election.

At 922 pages, it’s unreadable. Fortunately, you don’t have to!

A group of people read it and summarized it for you in a 4:32 video!

It’s within your maximum attention span! Enjoy!

Direct Link

Also: you can start with the Wikipedia Page:
Project 2025

Can you tell what’s wrong with this picture?

Bloomberg predicts Gen-AI will be a 1.3 Trillion market by 2032.

MarketResearch predicts the Procurement Software Market will be worth 17.6 Billion in 2032.

Give up? The answer is simple. ????????????????????????????????????????!

Every single business needs to procure. Every single procurement department in every single business is being crushed under the weight of compliance requirements, risk assessments, logistics delays, supply chain interruptions, auditability requirements, DEI requirements, quality requirements, budget constraints, etc.

???????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????.

In comparison, ???????????? ???? ???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ????????????-????????!

Companies have survived just fine without it for thousands of years. There’s yet to be a single use case that provides value and does so reliably. (Maybe a few for specialty tailored LLMs, but not Open-AI Gen-AI.)

Seriously think about this!