Contract Lifecycle Management II: Do You Know Where It Starts and Ends?

In our last post, we introduced you to CLM, short for Contract Lifecycle Management, which is arguably one of the most uninspiring acronyms in the Supply Management space, but also one of the most important as it overlaps S2C (Source-to-Contract), P2P (Procure-to-Pay), and, as a result, S2S/S2P (Source-to-Settle/Source-to-Pay) as well as intersecting with risk management, […]

Contract Lifecycle Management I: Do You Know What It Is?

Today’s post is co-authored by the prophet. CLM, short for Contract Lifecycle Management, is arguably one of the most snooze-inducing acronyms in the Supply Management space, but yet also one of the most important. That’s because proper CLM not only overlaps both the Sourcing (or Source-to-Contract [S2C]) and Procurement (or Procure-to-Pay [P2P]) cycles (for strategic […]

Bravo: Analysis and Supplier Performance Management for Contract Compliance

Last month, I told you how BravoSolution Collaboratively Optimized Its Way onto the doctor‘s Short List. Today, I’m going to discuss their (Spend) Analysis, Supplier Performance Management, and Contract Compliance Solutions to give you a broader view of their solution suite. To get straight to the point, their spend analysis (console) solution, which takes a […]

An Enterprise Software Buying Guide, Part VIII: Contract Definition & Management

In this, our final post in this intial series on the successful acquisition of enterprise software, including e-Sourcing, e-Procurement, and other Supply Chain Software Solutions, we discuss the contract review and performance management steps. 7. Comb the Contract The legal minds behind traditional software vendor contracts excel at including all kinds of seemingly benign terms […]