Site Description
Congratulations — just by looking at this web page, you become 25% more knowledgeable about sourcing best practices. Written by the doctor, your sourcing-editor-in-chief, this site is here 24/7/365 to fill all the waking moments of your sourcing day! Sourcing Innovation contains all of the thoughts and opinions that the doctor doesn’t have time to shoe-horn into other blogs and wikis. Typed directly into the most advanced text processing software available, this site contains the doctor‘s most strongly analyzed expert opinions on strategic sourcing, procurement, risk management, and more – conveniently arranged in blog form! Always educational and rarely scuttlebutt, the doctor addresses why traditional purchasing is being destroyed by today’s hot-button issues, why auctions won’t save the world, and why only you can save the future! You may not agree with everything the doctor says, but, at the very least, you’ll understand why your differing opinion is most likely wrong. Sourcing Innovation features the doctor at his most eloquent and impassioned. He is an unrelenting warrior for the soul of sourcing, and he uses this site to fight the good fight to preserve the values that have served leading sourcing professionals well.
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From Blogger’s Weekly
Starred Review. Realizing that it takes more than a few random purchasing tips to fix everything that’s wrong with sourcing today, the doctor bravely takes on the forces that threaten sourcing professionals everywhere – whether they be globalization, risk, or simply the lack of a good optimization solution. His various targets include China (must they be the source of each and every blog?), the Purchasing blacklist (just because it’s not on doesn’t mean it’s not important), and old-school die hards (just because you’ve done it that way for thirty years, doesn’t mean you’re doing it right). the doctor also takes the time to point out the few helpful resources that exist among the Google clutter, to insure his podcast transcripts are available to one and all, and to bring you a regular dose of unique thought-provoking amusement to lighten up what might otherwise be a very heavy weak, all of which add up to a site that is sure to be the number one destination of sourcing professionals everywhere in the future!
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It’s a Colbert Nation … and that includes Canada too!