Keep Your New Year’s Resolution and Schedule an Appointment with the doctor

If you’re a marketing professional, chances are you just finished polishing off your marketing plan for 2009… but is it really finished? Did you remember blogger relations? More importantly, did you remember to budget for blog sponsorships and thought leadership?

It’s wise to become acquainted with your friendly neighborhood blogger, because your market is going to the blogs. And there’s one blogger in particular you need to get to know — the doctor. When a sourcing professional wants to track trends, she goes to the indices; if she wants a high level overview and some self-evident observations, she goes to the trade pubs; but if she wants some hard-hitting advice on how to combat price increases and rake in savings, she goes to one blog in particular — Sourcing Innovation. No other publication gives you the in-depth analysis and insight on vendor solutions that you will get from the doctor or his friends the Sourcing Maniacs. Ask any one of the thousands (upon thousands) of readers who visit Sourcing Innovation on a regular basis, or choose a few random posts from the dozens and dozens that appear in the Sourcing Innovation vendor post index.

If it’s been six months since your solution’s last check-up, be sure to schedule some time to check in with the doctor in the near future. If you’ve never had a check-up, now would be a great time for that first physical. There’s no better measure of your solution’s health than a private, in-depth review by the doctor; and no advertisement or white paper you publish will be as effective as a content-filled post on Sourcing Innovation. Since the doctor will never publish a solution analysis without an in-depth review, procurement professionals come to Sourcing Innovation first when they want the facts. That’s because unlike other technically-naive bloggers and analysts who believe that they can offer an informed decision based on a press release or a PowerPoint deck, the doctor always examines the patient thoroughly, and always prepares a deeply credible report.

So send an e-mail to schedule your appointment today! Your corporate health may depend on it.