Daily Archives: April 27, 2009

Upcoming Events from the #1 Supply Chain Resource Site

The Sourcing Innovation Resource Site, always immediately accessible from the link under the “Free Resources” section of the sidebar, continues to add new content on a weekly, and often daily, basis. Unlike many “resource”, “best of”, or “portal sites” that are abandoned almost as quickly as they are thrown together, the resource site is actively maintained (and dead links are removed on a regular, usually weekly, basis). In fact, there have been over 25 resource additions in the past week alone.

The total number of unique, active resources exceeds the 2,650 mark, and breaks down as follows:

  •   21 Analyst Firms
  • 158 Blogs
  •   23 Centers of Excellence
  • 635 Companies
  • 197 Conferences
  •   26 Job Sites
  •   29 Journals
  • 316 Linked-In Groups
  •   15 Newsletters
  •   55 On-Demand Classes
  •   38 Press Release Services
  •   66 Podcasts
  •   60 Publications
  •   19 Roundtables
  •   91 Seminars
  •   91 Societies
  • 236 Training Classes
  •   39 Webcasts
  • 504 Archived Webcasts
  •   33 Workshops

And includes the following recent additions, among many others:


Dates Conference Sponsor
2009-Apr-27 to


ProcureCon Indirect

Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands (Europe)

2009-Apr-27 to


The Logistics & Supply Chain Forum

New York, New York, USA (North-America)

Richmond Events
2009-Apr-27 to


Trade Compliance 101 – Back to Basics

Raffles City, Singapore (Asia)

Mondial Trade Compliance
2009-Apr-28 to


42nd Annual SCL Conference

Vaughn (Toronto), Ontario, Canada (North-America)

2009-Apr-29 to


Gartner Risk Management and Compliance Summit

Chicago, Illinois, USA (North-America)



Date & Time Webcast

11:00 GMT-07:00/MST/PDT

Survival Guide: Succeeding During Tough Times

Sponsor: Vantage Partners


13:00 GMT-04:00/AST/EDT

Moving from Task In-Sourcing to Comprehensive Outsourcing with CROs

Sponsor: Vantage Partners


13:00 GMT-04:00/AST/EDT

Five Plus Five: Two CPOs Offer Their Five Strategies for Driving Cost Savings

Sponsor: ISM


8:00 GMT-07:00/MST/PDT

Successful Supply Chain Risk Management

Sponsor: QAD


Dates Workshop Sponsor
2009-May-4 to


Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management

Chicago, Illinois, USA (North-America)

2009-May-11 to


Basics of Supply Chain Management

Chicago, Illinois, USA (North-America)

2009-May-28 to


Delvering Value through Effective Risk Management

London, England, UK (Europe)

2009-Jun-2 to


Advanced negotiation workshop

Kettering, England (Europe)


which are all readily searchable from the comprehensive Site-Search page. So don’t forget to review the resource site on a weekly basis. You just might find what you didn’t even know what you were looking for!

And continue to keep a sharp eye out for new content and even more new content categories which will be coming on-line in the near future!

Will We See The Two-Per-Category Theory Where Supply Chain Technology is Concerned?

A recent TPMA (Trade Promotion Marketers Association) Outlook contained an article by Bob Houk (of the TPMtoday blog) that expounded on the two-per-channel theory that refers to the idea that retail channels are consolidating to the point that there will eventually be only two significant players in each channel. The article also discussed the two-per-category corollary that states that as retail channels consolidate, and as shelf-space decreases and increases in cost, the suppliers to the few remaining retailers will also consolidate.

This reminded me of my recent post on why Marketing is Not Optional and how, as a result of too much inaction on the part of too many vendors and a lack of faith by too many buyers, this prolonged recession is likely to accomplish what years of M&A activity couldn’t, namely, condense the market to a small handful of key players for each technology and services offering. And I got to thinking, what happens if the space over consolidates and we see the two-per-category theory take effect in core e-Sourcing and e-Procurement offerings? What would happen then? We already have the situation where the suite solutions offered by the big providers are essentially the same solutions offered five years ago, with a few more “bells and whistles” in the UI that really don’t offer much in the way of value improvements. Would we have any innovation at all? And more importantly, even if we don’t see the two-per-category, but only see a small handful of providers … would they all centralize on a “value system” like SAP or Microsoft? What value would there be if all the savings they offered up had to be pumped into (ridiculously?) high license fees and maintenance fees with “empty-calories“? Good questions. Scary questions!

And questions we’ll have to ask unless the more innovative vendors wake up and small the espresso, double down, show you the value, and find a way to sell it to you with essentially no up-front cost — which is very realistic with a SaaS model where they can give you a free 30 day trial and not bill you until the end of month two, giving you enough time to get your first quick wins, demonstrate value, and justify the low monthly service fee that you’ll pay for the 3, 5, 7, and 10+X ROI that these solutions will deliver.