Daily Archives: July 2, 2009

Rub The Red From Your Bottom Line By Going Green

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Industry Week recently ran a great article on why “going green can mean less red for your bottom line”. The article quoted some great statistics from a recent Economist Intelligence Unit study that found that companies undertaking green initiatives as part of a strategy to cut costs and increase profits are

  • much stronger than their closest competitors in their ability to find and exploit new opportunities (20% compared to 11%),
  • much more profitable (24% compared to 13%), and
  • ahead in revenue growth (23% compared 11%).

In other words, green-based initiatives are twice as likely to increase your revenue, increase your profit, and increase the new opportunities available to you. In other words, going green yields more green in your pocket.

The article also pointed out a recent WSJ article that detailed an academic group’s independent confirmation that a Subaru auto plant in Indiana not only decreased solid waste by 99% but saved millions in the process by undertaking appropriately chosen green initiatives.

And the article pointed out that you don’t need to undertake massive efforts to get massive results. You can start with a series of small efforts and the collective results will yield big savings, which you can then put towards bigger efforts down the road. For example, regular maintenance on the right equipment will cut energy costs 20% to 30%. Compressed air systems are a prime example. Small part failures and minor leaks alone can increase energy utilization requirements up to 30%.

For more great ideas, see previous green category posts.

Keep Your Hands Really Still!

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Editor’s Note: Today’s post is from Dick Locke, Sourcing Innovation’s resident expert on International Sourcing and Procurement. (His previous guest posts are still archived.)

I’ve got incredible respect for bloggers that post daily. I’m trying for a bi-weekly schedule and trying to keep the posts newsworthy. Not much happened in the last two weeks except for the possibility that the new US energy bill might include new trade barriers. I’ll need some time to get my head around that one. Right now all I know is pollution bad, free trade good.

So let’s go with a lighter note. And a test. Here are three pictures of hand gestures to avoid when traveling internationally.

Can you name some countries where these gestures would be considered rude, crude, or obscene?

Answers (in the comments) in a few days.

Big O

Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up

Dick Locke, Global Procurement Group and Global Supply Training.