A recent article in Logistics Viewpoints, the ARC Advisory Group Blog, asked a very important question given that many of the smaller vendors in this space are not on the solid footing they once were — What If Your Supply Chain Software Vendor Goes Out Of Business?
It’s a good question, especially since you’ll be in bad shape if you haven’t negotiated perpetual rights to not only the application but the code-base if you’re using a hosted solution and the vendor goes under or if you haven’t negotiated 24/7/365 full data access if you’re using a SaaS solution with mandatory notices before ceasing of operations, as I have noted you must do on several occasions.
In the first case, unless you happen to have an A1 development team in-house who can maintain the code base and customize it to your liking with little impact to your overall IT budget (which is likely not the case for 99% of non-IT supply chain companies), you’re going to have to migrate to another solution. If you suspect your vendor is going to go bust, and see the gradual warning signs of multiple layoffs, lack of solution updates, increased turn-around time on issue resolution, lack of insight into the roadmap, and the run-around when you try to inquire into their financial health with (what’s left of) senior management, then you need to start evaluating your options. If you start early, you can analyze your options, find the best one, and develop a staged migration plan that will minimize interruption to your day-to-day operations. If you don’t, you’ll be relying on expensive third party maintenance and prayers to keep you running until you can accomplish a stressful, organizational wide, all-at-once changeover.
In the latter case, you still have to migrate to a new solution, but if you negotiated full data access in a standard format, it’s just a matter of selecting the next best SaaS solution, loading all of your data, and then hiring a third party integrator to re-create any linkages to your current applications for automatic data exchange. You’ll have extra work while you manually export and import data until the new linkages are live, but since you’ll (again) negotiate full data access and the ability to export and import what you need, when you need it, with a bit of training and documentation, the interruption to your staff’s daily routine should be moderate at most.