Fourteen Hundred and Seventy Two Posts Later …

… and Sourcing Innovation crosses the 1,000,000 word mark!

That’s right, after a mere three years and three months, Sourcing Innovation crossed the 1,000,000 word mark yesterday and became only the second supply management blog to reach that point. Not even e-Sourcing Forum and Supply Excellence, the only other blogs that have been publishing as long and (almost) as regularly, have come close to reaching this mark.

Blog Live (Y-M-D) Posts (Approx) * Words (Approx) *
Spend Matters 2004-11-30 3,265 1,180,354
Sourcing Innovation 2006-06-09 1,472 1,000,337
e-Sourcing Forum 2005-08-30 1,013 386,369
Supply Excellence 2006-04-30 737 234,292

To put this in perspective, the entire Harry Potter series (all seven books) only contains 1,090,739 words. This says that, in a little over three years, on this blog alone, I’ve provided you more free content than J. K. Rowling published in the Harry Potter series over the span of a decade. And let me repeat the phrase “on this blog alone” because I’ve also (co-)authored almost the entire e-Sourcing Wiki (which contains over 30 distinct wiki-papers consisting of over 229,160 words), contributed over 90 guest posts to various blogs and e-publications (some of which are indexed in this post and this post and total over 86,000 words), authored a number of Illuminations and white-papers (which collectively contain over 21,050 words) and co-authored and edited the e-Sourcing Handbook (which is approximately 91,500 words). (If you add it all up, that’s over 1,427,700 words!)

And, dear marketer, that’s one of the many reasons why your search traffic comes here.


*Methodology: Since each blog uses a standard blog package that utilizes common page structures, utilizing the “archive” URL format by day, I wrote a script that downloaded each day and extracted each unique URL using the “post” URL format (over time). It then downloaded each post page, extracted the post, saved it as text, and ran it through a word counter. (Random) Errors or inconsistencies in page generation (caused by a stray special character, etc.) could have prevented some posts from being extracted or properly parsed, but my manual checks satisfied me that over 95% of posts were captured and properly parsed, so the table is at least relatively accurate.