One of the regular features on Sourcing Innovation are vendor solution reviews, which occur only after the doctor has seen the product. Normally occurring in the spring and fall, these vendor posts, which provide solution providers with a great opportunity to reach a broad global audience, are always well received. But not all vendors who receive a demo invitation accept. For a while now, I’ve been trying to figure out the most likely reasons why. These are the best I could come up with:
- 5. The product doesn’t exist.
- 4. The product doesn’t work.
- 3. The product works completely differently than the marketing spin around it.
- 2. A discussion of the product’s capabilities “gives too much away” to competitors.
- 1. the doctor is distrusted for some reason.
As far as 3,4,5 are concerned, no legitimate vendor in our space is selling snake oil or moonshine. All the products work, and accomplish some significant fraction of their mission. So that can’t be it.
With regard to 2, companies should understand that their competitors know them well, perhaps better than they know themselves. Nothing that the doctor might say is going to give away any secrets.
Finally, with regard to 1, the doctor has never slammed a company with a product that accomplished its designated task reasonably well, especially when the company is open about its strengths and weaknesses. The Sourcing Innovation vendor post archives prove this, far better than any claim I could make here.
So, vendors, what are you waiting for? Let’s share your accomplishments this fall with the highly targeted audience that constitutes the readership of Sourcing Innovation!