Are You Ready for the Mega-Risks?

A recent Supply Chain Digest piece recently covered a few of the supply chain mega-risks that you need to be prepared for, because chances are that you can statistically count on at least one of them happening in the near future.

The mega-risks highlighted by Supply Chain Digest include:

  • Terrorists Attack Your Port
    The article focussed on an attack at at US port, such as the Ports of Los Angeles or Long Beach, which could cripple supply chains for a number of multi-nationals, but an attack at a major port in China, for example, could be just as devastating.
  • A New War Breaks Out
    The article hypothesized that Israel could attack Iran over nuclear capabilities, but war could break out anywhere tensions are high. Northern Ireland, Africa, Venezuala … who knows.
  • Pandemic
    The article mentioned the Swine Flu. But it could be Bird Flu. Or SARS. Or something worse.
  • Rapid Inflation / Deflation
    The dollar could rise, or fall, rapidly.

But those are just a few of the mega-risks. As highlighted in nine cautionary tales (which I reviewed in your supply chain is not secure I and II), you also have:

  • Massive Power Failure
    A targeted attack or opportune failure in a critical region of the grid can take out a city, state, or even an entire region of the country.
  • Toxic Atmosphere
    A train wreck could unleash toxic chemicals into the air and make an entire subdivision, town, or city uninhabitable for an indefinite amount of time.
  • Severe Oil Shortage
    A single attack on a major refinery or drilling platform could take out a sizeable chunk of global production.
  • Agro-Armageddon
    Mad-cow could spread faster than a viral outbreak and decimate national farm populations.

And natural disasters and catastrophes, though unlikely, that are still too numerous to mention. Are you ready?

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