Are You Ready For Change?

Take this short 3-question quiz to find out!

1. Is Management Ready for Change?

Management must be ready and willing to demonstrate their commitment to change and keep their resolve through good times and bad. If the rank and file don’t see commitment, they will believe it’s just the fad of the month and ignore the effort as they expect it will be forgotten in a few months anyway when the next fad is announced.

2. Is Talent Ready to Step Up?

Management has to be ready, but the rank and file have to be willing and able to implement the change. If your employees aren’t committed, aren’t trained, and aren’t capable of implementing the change, you’ll be stuck at square one until they are.

3. Are You Ready to Communicate?

Regular and consistent communication is key to success. Efforts will need to be carefully coordinated, and this won’t happen without crystal clear communication. If you’re not ready to communicate, you’ll be stuck at square two indefinitely.

The reality, as clearly pointed out in “driving a turnaround in tumultuous times”, the case study on PolyOne Corporation that we will cover in our upcoming post on coming back from the brink to cash in the bank, if you can’t answer yes to these questions, you won’t have the basic building blocks for change and any change management initiative you undertake will just be a waste of time. Sorry, but that’s just how it is.

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