Today, the Hackett Group released their latest study — the Revenue Growth Enablement Study. The goals of this study are to determine in what ways a Procurement organization can enable revenue/growth scenarios for the organization as a whole, how far an average organization is down the revenue/growth enablement path, and what practices leading organizations are using to enable revenue/growth. Given the burning need for leading Procurement organizations to not only do more with less, but contribute to the top and bottom line in even more ways, this is an important study. For Procurement to earn, and keep, that seat in the C-Suite, it has to continue to deliver value year-over-year. And the best way to deliver that value, once it has trimmed costs, is to help the organization grow (with its expertise in operations management), globalize (with its expertise in foreign markets) and increase revenue (with its expertise in logistics, multi-stage and multi-channel inventory management, and new product introduction [NPI]).
Not only will this study give you ideas on how to identify growth priorities, tactics to support those priorities, metrics to measure success, NPI, and support sales and marketing, but it will qualify you for the full study results and final report when the study is complete. And in the meantime, you get one of the following five reports free upon survey completion:
- 2012 Procurement Key Issues Study
- Category Management – Beyond The “Strategic” in Strategic Sourcing
- Supplier Relationship Management (Part I: Tapping the Power of Top Performance in SRM)
- Defining & Expanding the Value Proposition of Purchase-to-Pay
- A New Procurement for a New Normal
The 2012 Procurement Key Issues Study identifies the top 10 issues for Procurement organizations in the coming year, with the acceleration of revenue growth leading the way. (That’s why this study is so important.) It also discusses some key strategies for enabling profitable growth, including globalization — which will nearly triple within three years, as determined by the Hackett Group in their “Globalizing Procurement’s Service Delivery Model, Not Just the Supply Base”. (For some key stats, see SIs recent post on The Global Agenda — It’s Coming!.)
The study on Category Management, which attempted to go beyond the “strategic” in strategic sourcing, found that despite the additional savings opportunities that can come from category management (as chronicled by a number of Procurement leaders in Hackett’s conferences last year and by leading sourcing platform providers like BravoSolution), only 5% of companies have a category-focussed strategic sourcing process that is very well implemented or truly strategic. The majority of companies pursuing strategic sourcing (54%) are just average with a process that is fairly well implemented, but which does not push the boundaries. The report, which clearly defines the difference between a standard strategic sourcing approach and a category management approach, takes a deep dive into category management objectives and strategies, the supply management service line it enables, and provides a strategic category management framework that can jump-start an average organization looking to take it to the next level.
The study on Supplier Relationship Management, the first in a series, is extremely insightful on the importance of good SRM which is not just foundational for sourcing success, but transformational from a value viewpoint. It was found to increase cost savings / avoidance in top performers by almost 80% and growth-related benefits by 53%! SRM drives almost 45% of total Procurement value in top-performers! This is a level of improvement not achievable by any of the “Top 10 Technologies for Supply Management” on their own or even combined in a pair! Only collaborative sourcing, which embraces supplier relationships, can reach this level of value. The paper also identifies key differentiators of top performers and a model for SRM success that you can use to jump-start your organizational effort.
I haven’t reviewed the last two papers, but Sunday’s post pointed out how the UK Government expects to save £40 Million a year just by paying SME construction suppliers directly through P2P. P2P is full of opportunity, and I’m sure this paper will provide deep insights that can be used to jump-start an initiative. Finally, while There Is NO New Normal … Just the Old Normal Coming Back, there is a need for New Procurement Technology to cope with the return of an Old Normal that had passed before such technology hit the scene, and if any research organization is going to nail what that technology is going to be on the head, it’s the Hackett group.
To take the the Revenue Growth Enablement Study (enabled by their new, interactive, Qualtrics tool), and get your free research (and make your organization better for it), join the “World Class Procurement” LinkedIn Group.